Tenho andado ocupado na horta. Já há algum tempo que queria fazer uns canteiros deste tipo (os ingleses chamam-lhes "raised bed").Como tinha uma série de paletes de madeira prontas para ir para a fogueira lembrei-me de as aproveitar para os construir. Não sei quanto tempo é que vão durar até a madeira apodrecer, mas pelo menos reciclo esta madeira toda e sempre poupo algum por enquanto.
I told you I was busy in the vegetable garden. I've been building raised beds. I wanted to build them for some time now, but wasn't willing to spend all the money the wood would cost me. Then I remembered I had a few pallets ready to go into the fire and decided to use them.They wont be very durable, but when they start to rot, i'll start worrying about that.

Com os canteiros a horta fica com um ar bastante mais organizado. Além disso não tenho de estar sempre a dizer às pessoas onde podem ou não podem pisar.
With the raised beds the veg garden looks a lot more organized. And I don't have to keep telling people where they can or can not step on.

Outras vantagens deste tipo de canteiros é que permitem trabalhar o solo melhor. É mais fácil arrancar as ervas daninhas, o solo mantém-se mais solto e aquece mais depressa, permitindo semear e plantar antes do tempo (quando o solo ainda está frio demais para que as sementes germinem)
The other advantages of these is that the soil is easier to work, the weeds are easier to pull, and the soil is warmer which allows seeds to germinate sooner.

O proximo passo será fazer alguma coisa para evitar o crescimento das daninhas nos caminhos entre os canteiros. Estou cá a pensar em gravilha...
Next I will have to do something about all those weeds in the paths. I'm thinking maybe gravel...
8 comentários:
Your garden looks well defined now Gintonio. Good job.
Raised beds are definitely the way to go. Here in Italy I don't see them much in the way of soil contained in a wooden frame. Instead, gardeners (the old-timers I should think), hoe/rake the soil into a raised bed in itself. Your garden is shaping up fine!
Bom trabalho, moço!
Your veggie garden looks much improved now. It's nice for your visitors to know where they can put their feet. ;-)
Ficou muito fixe :)
Lisa, thanx. It looks a lot better, doesn't it?
Rowena, farmers do the same around here. But the wooden frames look so much better :-)
Dalva, obrigado :-)
Yolanda, tell me about it, people were always stepping in the wrong places :-)
ameixa, :-)
So many people have the idea that raised beds must be made of special and expensive wood, and must be filled to the top with some kind of special dirt that you buy from the garden center.
In fact, the best way to make them is the way you did. They look great.
I made my raised beds with some paving stones that would have otherwise been thrown away, and home made compost. I keep meaning to post some pictures.
Sugiro que use estilha (madeira triturada) para os caminhos.
Um pequeno triturador pode ser uma grande aquisição para qualquer jardim de média dimensão, uma vez que todos os anos se produzem grandes quantidade de resíduos vegetais que se forem triturados poderão ser muito úteis.
Boa sorte.
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