Este não foi um bom ano para as ervilhas na horta do"jardim com gatos". Germinaram pouco, produziram quase nada. As ervilhas de quebrar que o ano passado produziram tão bem este ano pouco mais deram que 4-5 vagens. Não sei o que se terá passado mas provavelmente o facto de as ter semeado num dos canteiros novos, onde nada tinha sido plantado antes e no ter acrescentado nenhuma matéria orgânica ao solo poderá ter estado na origem do problema.
This wasn't a very good year for peas here at "jardim com gatos". They mostly didn't germinate and the few that did hardly produced any pods. Even the snap peas that last year were such a goos crop failed to produce more than 4-5 pods. I'm not sure what happened here but I think it has to do with the fact that I sowed them in a new bed, one that was never planted before and I didn't even bothered to improve the soil. They must have found that was a very poor soil.

Também com as ervilhas "capucijners" que me foram oferecidas pela Yolanda, a taxa de germinação foi baixa. Mas no caso destas pelo menos as plantas que nasceram estão a crescer bem e já floriram e deram algumas vagens.
Esta é uma variedade holandesa antiga, usada principalmente como ervilha seca que é depois cozinhada. No entanto segundo a Yolanda são excelentes quando comidas frescas tal como as ervilhas a que nós estamos mais acostumados. Este ano não devo conseguir experimentá-las já que vou guardá-las todas para semente, mas saborosas ou não só o facto de terem estas vagens roxas é o suficiente para eu as querer ter a crescer na horta.
Also the "capucjners" peas, that Yolanda sent me, didn't grow that well. I planted them in good soil but even most of the seeds didn't germinate. The ones that did, are growing very well, blooming and already have some pods forming. These are an old dutch variety of soup peas, and they are traditionally eaten dry. However Yolanda says that they are delicious eaten fresh. I wont be tasting them this year as I want to keep seeds for next year. Nevertheless, even if they weren't that tasty their purple pods would win them a place in my garden.
6 comentários:
The few blooms sure are pretty. Sorry to hear your harvest of peas isn't very good.
I had a similar problem last year for the fist time. In the past I grew them on clay ground and they did fine, but the sand I have now doesn't seem to work as well.
Peas sometimes need to be started indoors. That's what I did this year, and they did much better.
It's not necessary to start them in potting soil or under light, putting them in several layers of wet kitchen paper (paper towels) is good enough. Just plant them as soon as they start to germinate.
This is what I did this year, and it worked great.
Que lindas... dá gosto vê-las germinar.
The purple podded peas do look beautiful. I hope you get more next year. Here, the peas have germinated OK, but are flowering too soon when the plants are too small, I think. Probably not rich enough soil or too dry, I suppose.
O ano passado também tive ervilhas com fartura, mas este ano também não estão nada de jeito.
Engraçado que aqui no meu canto as ervilheiras ainda estão a menos de um palmo do chão. Pensava que nem nasceriam mas estão agora a aparecer à pressa preocupadas com o facto de já ser Abril e ainda estarem naquele estado.
Um país tão pequeno e com tão grandes diferenças.
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