Andei ocupado na horta esta manhã. Comecei por fazer um canteiro com uns barrotes reciclados. Neste canteiro estão plantados morangueiros (como aumentei a área vou poder plantar mais alguns) , framboesas e amoras.
I was busy in the vegetable garden this morning, Started by doing my first raised bed with some recycled logs. The raised bed is planted with strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.

Depois refiz os meus compostores. Agora tenho 3 em vez de 2. Assim poderei compostar mais coisas, e o processo de enchimento dos compostores torna-se mais fácil.
I then rebuilt my compost bins (I now have 3 instead of the former 2). This way I'll be able to compost a lot more stuff.

E para terminar construí um outro canteiro. Este canto sempre esteve desaproveitado porque estava cheio de pedras. Retirei todas (ou quase todas) as pedras e como não sabia o que lhes fazer usei-as para construir um murete que delimita o canteiro.
And to finish the morning I built another raised bed. This corner of the vegetable garden was not used because it was full of stones. I removed all (or most) of the stones and used them to built a small drywall that will work as a raised bed.

Ficou um murete um bocado manhoso mas acho que serve lindamente. Vou utilizar este canteiro para plantar mais morangueiros e talvez mais framboesas.
Its a shabby looking drywall, but it works fine. I'll use this raised bed for more strawberries and another raspberries bush, I think.
7 comentários:
I just love that big old stone wall and your mini raised bed stone wall is good too. Well done I think.
Ficou tudo fantástico, amigo, quero ver depois de tudo plantadinho, flores por cima do muro. Ficou lindíssimo o muro de pedras. Parabéns, você trabalhou bem!
It all looks great. I love stone walls - not shabby at all. The raised beds are a good idea ... not so far to bend to weed, dig and harvest. Can you grow raspberries OK there? I think it's too dry for them here.
Your "shabby" little stone wall puts my efforts to shame. There's a lot of stone on my property that I've been using in a similar fashion. The large stone walls in the background are really beautiful.
Lisa, I love the stone walls as well. They were very important in my decision when considering to buy this house.
Dalva, flores não vai haver muitas pq só lá vou plantar plantas comestiveis, principalmente morangos.
chaiselong, the redcurrants did well last summer, so I think that raspberries couls do ok to. They will be growing in the shadow of a big almond tree which makes it less hot during summer.
Your stone wall looks wonderful! You were able to do lots of work ~ the raised beds and the compost bins.
Bom trabalho. O murete foi feito em pedra solta, não foi?
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