E provavelmente as ultimas. Os caracóis tomaram-lhes o gosto e têm-me comido todas novas flores (os caules, para ser mais exacto). Este ano está a ser terrível com os malditos caracóis...
And most likely the last... Snails have been very busy around the new flower stalks. They eat the stalks breaking themeven before the flowers can open. Snails are proving to be a very big problem in the garden this year.

5 comentários:
O problema é existirem muitos lambões no jardim... infelizmente eles comem tudo e não deixam nada! As flores são lindas :)
You need some toads or snakes in your garden to take care of those snails Gintonio. Your irises are beautiful it is a shame that the snails like them as much as you do.
Que cor maravilhosa! Bem... eu acho melhor sapos, para combater naturalmente os bichinhos. Porque snakes... ai que medo!!!
Beautiful irises, but a shame about the snails. The irises are coming out here too - they grow alongside the vineyards, almost wild.
ameixa seca, muitos mesmo...ai se eu pudesse soltar as miúdas pelo jardim...hehehe
Lisa, I had a toad in the veg garden (haven't seen him lately), and I've seen snakes around, but the snails keep thriving. I wish I could let the girls loose in the garden.They love snails.
Dalva, sapos ou cobras tanto faz, desde que me acabassem com os caracois...
Chaiselongue, we have those "wild" irises here too. They grow alongside the roads.
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