O dia amanheceu invernoso, choveu a noite toda, um dia perfeito para ir à praia. Não uma ida à praia como a maior parte das pessoas está habituada e , aparentemente, gosta. Não uma ida à praia repleta de turistas, guarda-sois, barulho, confusão...A praia quer-se é vazia, só assim se pode apreciar a sua beleza, o seu encanto. E só no inverno isso é possivel.
It was a winter morning, and it rained all night, a perfect day to go to the beach. Not the high traffic beach that tourists are used, and like, in Sumer, but the empty winter beach. That's how you can really appreciate it in its full beauty.

As dunas ainda estão com um ar invernoso, e há poucas plantas a florir.
Dunes still have their winter clothes on and not many flowers are blooming for now.

Mas sempre se conseguem ver algumas flores silvestres.
But we can still find some few beautiful wild flowers

Espero que tenham gostado deste passeio à praia.
I hope you've enjoyed this walk to the beach

The dogs sure loved it!

10 comentários:
I love taking walks with you. You have such an eye for photos. The wild flowers are beautiful. Would like to have some of them in my garden!
É precisamente ESSA praia de que eu GOSTO!
(mesmo com chuva e frio!!)
Que belo passeio!
Lovely walk! I just got back from the beach on the other side of the Atlantic. It's amazing how different the seaside flowers are from those on your beach. What is the white flower with the dark purple? Is it related to Corydalis?
pelas pegadas na areia houve mais gente com a mesma ideia :)
Your beach is a beautiful place. I enjoyed very much walking along and viewing all of the different flowers and your dog. I didn't see Maria Antonia in the picture although I might have just missed her. I imagine the beach is very crowded in summertime.
beckie, thank you so much! The wild flowers are indeed beautiful.
ez, pois, só com chuve e frio é q se consegue ;-)
mr.mcgregor's daughter, I would love to see your beach. The white flower is a Fumaria.
noche, mto poucas.
kate, beach is impossible during summer time. I can tell you I rarely go there during season's peak. Maria Antonia is in the picture right after the dog . She is very small and sand colored so maybe a bit difficult to see.
Bela praia de facto, flores delicadas; em Esposende - zona protegida - existem praias de seixos (5 a 10 cm) muito extensas, também muito belas sem ninguém por perto em qq altura do ano.
É bom que estas assim continuem...
Como podíamos não gostar! Parece que aí no Algarve a primavera já chegou em cheio.
Thank you, a lovely walk on the beach in good company was just what I needed after my illness. Those wild flowers are great and it is nice to walk along the beach when there are NO tourists! :-)
yolanda, I trus that you are recovering from your illness. It was really a wonderfull walk. It ws the first time that I took my smaller dog to the beach so you can imagine her excitment.
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