terça-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2008

Outro modo de fazer vasos reciclados/Another way to make recycled sowing pots

Se não tiverem jornais à disposição ou não tiverem muito jeitinho com as mãos esta é uma solução menos trabalhosa para fazer vasos biodegradaveis para as sementeiras de Primavera. São feitos com os tubos de papelão q vêem no interior dos rolos de papel. Basta fazer alguns cortes verticais (eu fiz 4) com cerca de 1/3 do comprimento do tubo, dobrar as pontas para dentro e já está.

If you don't have newspapers laying around or if you are not very handy this is a much easier way of doing some biodegradable sowing pots. You just need a few toilet paper roll tubes. Grab the tube and make some vertical cuts of about 1/3 of its length. Fold it in and "voila" you have a sowing pot.

4 comentários:

kate disse...

Good idea to use toilet paper rolls for sowing seeds. I must say though, that I like the pots that you showed how to make in a previous post. They looked so cool.

gintoino disse...

kate, yes I also prefer the newspaper ones (actually the ones I use) but these are easier/quicker to make.

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen disse...

What would we do without your handy tips Gintoino? ;-)

BTW I would like to take you up on your offer about the asparagus seeds. I have never tried growing wild asparagus before.

gintoino disse...

yolanda, I will be very happy to send you some seeds.I hope they grow in Holand