Está a chover lá fora (não, não me estou a queixar), o que não permite jardinagens nem passeios com os cães, por isso resolvi partilhar convosco as fotos tiradas no ultimo fim de semana na zona de Lagos. A viagem começa no Cabo de S. Vincente.
It's raining outside (not that I'm complaining), so I can't garden or go walking with the dogs, so I decided to share some photos I took last weekend on Lagos area. We shall start in Cabo de S Vicente.

Cabo de S. Vincente é o ponto mais a sudoeste da Europa, e é varrido por ventos fortes durante todo o ano. Devi aos ventoas a vegetação tende a ser muito baixa, e é possivel encontrar algumas especies que raramente se encontram noutras zonas do algarve. Ainda não havia muita coisa em floração mas já se encontram algumas preciosidades.
Cabo de S. Vincente is the south westernmost point of Europe. Strong winds blow all year trough which makes vegetation very low. Here you will be able to find some plants that can't be found in other areas. There were not many flowers yet, but we could still found some little gems.

Depois seguimos para a Barragem da Bravura.
We will then go to Barragem da Bravura.

The vegetation is mainly composed of Cistus ladanifer. The first Cistus flowers are starting to bloom.
Mas no meio dos Cistus encontram-se outras plantas que já iniciaram a floração.
Growing among the Cistus we were able to find some other plants that are already blooming.

Silene colorata
E, claro, mais orquideas.
And, of course, more orchids.

E damos por terminada a visita. Daqui a algum tempo voltamos e já devemos encontrar muitas plantas em flor.
And that's all for now. We will go back there one of these days and I will bring you some more photos.

13 comentários:
I imagine the rainy days were a welcome reprieve for you, Gintoino. I enjoyed the walk and encountering all of the different flowers you photographed.
Cistus look almost papery - I was intrigued with the Euphorbia. The Astragalus is cute ... you did find some cute gems!
And you left the most stunning until the end - the orchids are lovely!
You always have such interesting walks! The pictures you take are outstanding and I would frame them!
I enjoy so much the flowers you find. How different to see others' "wild flowers". When ours start to bloom, I will take pics of them to see if you think they are as unusual as I think yours are!
What a beautiful country you live in, thanks for showing us the wildflowers, so lovely.
Frances at Faire Garden
That Cistus is so beautiful, it almost looks like a peony. It's so cool to have wild orchids like those. Thanks for a lovely walk. I included a couple of photos of Florida beach flowers in my current post.
Olá Gintoino.
Lindo passeio. Gostei principalmente das orquídeas.
Entre a Euphorbia e a Muscari neglectum, parece-me uma Silene colorata.
kate, the rain was very welcome. Orchids are also my favorites
beckie, thank you so much foe all your kind words. I'm looking forward to seeing the wild flowers form your corner of the world.
frances, thank you for your comment.
You have to come and see it for yourself :-)
Mr. McGregor's daughter, cistus is one of my favorite flowers, they look so fragile and beautiful. Thank you for the wild flowers in your post.
paulo, as orquideas são fantasticas. Tenho andado por aí à caça delas. :-)
Muito belo! qq dia o ICEP (ou lá quem trata de promover o que temos de bom) compra-lhe o blog...
Boa semana.
Beautiful place, it looks like a great place to walk and explore nature
What a beautiful area of Portugal this is, I enjoyed walking there. ;-) And how wonderful it must look when all the Cistus flowers are open!
Wild orchids are very rare in the Netherlands so I was very happy to see that you have an abundance of them in Portugal!
So nice to see wild muscari in flower too and lavender stoechas! I hope your last attempt with the lavender will be successful!!!!
Anónimo, obrigado pelo coméntario. Às vezes parece q ninguem está interessado em promover o q temos de bom...
rusty, yes it is a wonderful place, and it isn't very turistical (yet) meaning that you can see nature at its best
yolanda, I'm glad you liked our little walk :-)
It looks beautiful when all the cistus are blooming. Cistus ladanifer is my favorite, unfortunately it only grows in acidic soils meaning that it doesn't grow in my garden. Wild orchid are also endangered here, so finding them is such a wonderful experience for me.
What a beautiful place. Those orchids are just amazing. I loved see all that color.
lisa, yes, those orchids are among my favorite wild flowers. They are beautiful even if so small.
Pois é, já começam a aparecer umas floritas. Mas aqui, essa que legendaste de Medicago (mas eu acho que é um Lotus creticus), ainda está longe de florir. O Halimium, eu penso que não é o calycinum, pq esse é o que eu tenho por aqui com folha fina, mas tambem não sei dizer kual é.
No meio dos Halimium a florita amarela parece-me de Calendula e
a Erica, penso que é a australis que agora está a desfazer-se em flor.
E o resto, claro, são apenas orquideas, ;)
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