Passei a tarde a arrancar ervas daninhas no jardim. As malditas parecem surgir do nada, por cada uma que arranco aparecem mais duas ou três...E então vindo sabe-se lá de onde surge isto. Um Muscari. Como raio me aparece um Muscari o jardim? Eu não o plantei nunca o tinha visto ali. Que raio de mistério...
Bem, já todas as ervas que crescem no jardim fossem assim!
I've been weeding all afternoon. Those horrible weeds seem to appear from nowhere! It seems that for every one you pull 2 or 3 miraculously appear. And then, out of nowhere comes this...A Muscari flower...Where did this came from? I didn't plant any Muscaris in my garden (in fact I didn't plant any bulbs this year.Oh well...if only every weed looked like this...
4 comentários:
I have a hunch that some enterprising little animal planted it there for you. One year, my neighbours across the street were baffled to find their front garden with various small spring flowers. We figured the squirrels had replanted them - because I had very few flowers that year.
What a lovely surprise.
Até para a ervas daninhas se precisa de ter sorte!!! ;)
Those are the best kind of volunteers!
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