Hoje foi o meu primeiro dia de férias. Como tinha mais tempo resolvi levar os cães para um passeio mais longo que o habitual. Acabou por ser um longo (5 horas) passeio. Preparem-se para um post longo.
Today was my first vacation day, so I decided to treat myself and the dogs with a longer then usual walk. The long walk turned into a very (5 hours) long walk. So, brace yourselves for a very long post.

Ainda não tinhamos andado muito quando fiz esta descoberta preocupante...
O que é que um bocado de terra revolvida tem de tão preocupante? E se eu lhes disser que tambem encontrei isto?
We weren't very far from home when I made this disturbing find...
What's so disturbing about some revolved soil? What if I tell you that I also found this?

Ainda nada? Pois meus amigos isto são rastos de javali, e a terra revolvida foi onde uma familia de javalis andou a comer. Ou seja, andam javalis a passear a menos de 500m da minha porta...não é uma ideia reconfortante. Espero nunca dar de cara com nenhum...
Nothing yet? Well my friends those are wild boar's trails and the revolved soil was were a family of wild boars was foraging last night. There were wild boars foraging less then 500 from my house...not a comforting thought. I hope I never meet one...

Continuando passeio...
On with the walk...
Hoje ocorreu-me que muitos de vocês podem não conhecer o Algarve, ou até mesmo Portugal, e que aqueles que conhecem, provavelmente só conhecem a faixa litoral junto às praias. E assim, resolvi mostrar um pouco desta zona onde vivo.
O Algarve é a região mais a sul de Portugal, famosa pelas suas praias. Mas hoje não vamos ver praias. Hoje vamos para o interior, para o campo.
It occurred to me that many of you never visited the Algarve, or even Portugal, so I decided to show you a bit more of the area I live in.
The Algarve is the southernness part of Portugal and its famous for its beaches. We are not visiting any beaches today. Today we are going to the countryside .

O Algarve tem um clima mediteranico o que quer dizer que tem verões muito quentes e secos e invernos suaves e humidos. Nesta zona a vegetação é composta principalmente por arbustos e vegetação rasteira.
Algarve has a mediterranean climate, meaning it has hot dry summers and mild humid winters. In this area vegetation is mainly shrubs and low bush.

Os terrenos cultivados tem na sua maioria árvores de sequeiro para produção de frutos secos.
The lands are mainly cultivated with drought resistant trees.
Olive trees
Encontramos algumas árvores interessantes, de grande tamanho e suponho que já bastante velhas.Olive trees
Today we found some interesting old big trees.

Pormenor do tronco
Detail of the trunk
Detail of the trunk
Novo crescimento. O contraste entre o verde das folhas e o vermelho dos novos ramos é fantastico
New growth. I've always liked the contrast of the green leaves and the red branches.
New growth. I've always liked the contrast of the green leaves and the red branches.

Olive tree
Enquanto continuamos a caminhada encontramos diversas flores silvestres.
As the walk continued we found lots of different wild flowers.
As the walk continued we found lots of different wild flowers.

E outras plantas cuja beleza não depende das suas flores
And some other plants that are beautifull even not having any flowers.

E as minhas favoritas, as orquideas...
And my favorites, orchids...

Espero que tenham gostado deste passeio por terras algarvias.
I hope you have enjoyed this walk.

9 comentários:
Those Wild Boars certainly look as if they can make a mess of it. I hope they don't get any closer or that you encounter them.
Do you have any Eucalyptus trees in your area? I know jardineira aprendiz said that there were many eucalyptus trees where she lived.
I loved the way the carob trunks twisted and turned. Figs, almonds, carob and olive trees - that sounds to me like a paradise. Your dogs must have enjoyed their hike.
What an incredible collection of flowers you photographed too. I can see why you love the Orchids.
Santo deus, que gozo, só de ver, rs
Isto é um passeio mesmo ao meu jeito... E algumas dessas silvestres ainda faltam na 'minha colecção'...
Abraço e boas férias
Phew, that was quite a loooooong walk and I'm a bit tired but I loved every moment of it.
I've actually been to Portugal, the Algarve, with my parents when I was a young girl. We were there during the Christmas holidays and I remember the lovely countryside with its beautiful olive and banana trees. And the taste of the wonderful oranges. I also ate the best bread and cheese sandwich ever there. Even now, so many years later, I can still remember that.
Wild boar so close to your home, I can understand you being a bit worried about that. They can be very agressive, especially when there are baby boar about.
The carob tree looks wonderful, what a gorgeous trunk it's got.
And of course, I loved all the pics of the beautiful wildflowers. You have so many in your area.
You have made my day! I was so tired of our cold dreary weather and then I took a walk with you. How glorius to live in such a beautiful area. So many varities of plants and flowers and trees. I think I would be outside all the time! But do be on the loo out for tose boars!!
What a wonderful walk! You brightened my whole week. It is so dreary and cold here that thoughts of spring are far away. What lovely,flowers, plants, and trees. They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence...but in this case it is!! Just e careful of the boars>
Um amigo deu-me o seu endereço e ainda bem! Belo passeio, extraordinário passeio mas nada que se comparece à displicência dos seus gatos... adorei.
kate, no there are no Ecalyptus around here. Here you'll find mainly native plants, and not many trees (except for the cultivated ones)
crix, foi um passeio e tanto...ando à coca de orquideas (encontro principalmente o genero Ophrys mas desta vez encontrei esta Orchis ) ;-)
yolanda, I'm glad to know you visited and liked Portugal. We do grow a lot of exotic plants here and you will find banana trees growing in gardens. I myself prefer the olive trees and carob trees :-)
Beckie, so good that you enjoyed the walk. Our climates are so different, here it never snows and we have green plants all year round.
anonimo(a), seja benvindo(a) ao blog. Obrigado pelo simpatico comentario. Espero voltar a vê-lo por aqui
Simply wonderful - neighbour - I so enjoyed it all. Thankyou.
Que grande passeio.
Aposto que os cães gostaram tanto quanto o dono!!
É bom saber que, tal como eu, há gente que repara em detalhes que são insignificantes para a maioria!!
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