As alfaces que semeei a semana passada já germinaram todas e vão bem lançadas no seu desenvolvimento. As alfaces, e outras plantas menos sensiveis ao frio foram semeadas em tabuleiros não cobertos. Quando estiverem suficientemente desenvolvidas serão transplantadas para a horta.
All the lettuces sowed last week have already sprouted and are growing very well. Lettuces and other cold resistant vegetables were sowed in seed trays without any cover. When they are big enough they will go into the vegetable garden. begin
3 comentários:
I love this time when the seeds have just come up and are showing their seed leaves. I will have to keep coming back to look at them - they look so healthy!
Your lettuce looks great. It won't be long until you can have a salad.
How pretty your lettuce looks. You will have to give update photos as it grows.
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