Last year I kept complaining about the fact that lady bugs didn't come to my garden and aphids were feasting on my plants. Well, this year seems that things have changed and I keep finding them all over my garden. This means, I think, that in its 2nd year, my garden is becoming a healthy environment.
It's "Ladybug's Year".
Tantas joaninhas pelo jardim deixam-me muito contente. Não deverá haver muitas pulgões este ano, sabiam que uma joaninha adulta come até 50 pulgões diários? E que uma larva come ainda mais? É ou não motivo para festejar o "Ano da joaninha"?
I'm really happy to have these many ladybugs around because, did you know that one lady bug can eat as many as 50 aphids a day? And larvae will eat even more than that. Don't you think these are good reasons to celebrate "Ladybug's Year"?
11 comentários:
Há ano e meio, comprei alguns milhares de larvas de joaninha, para me acabarem com os piolhos dos aloendros... Não deu muito resultado, porque nesses dias estava uma ventania medonha e... foram-se!!!
Tive que utilizar um "antisistémico" (?) "biológico"... que acabou por resolver o assunto!
cfr. http://jardinagens.blogspot.com/search?q=joaninhas
Que sorte!, manda p/cá algumas ;)
Adoro joaninhas, são as padroeiras do Maio :)! Pena que não posso tê-las na minha varanda...
ez, hum...não sabia q se podia comprar disso em Portugal. Tinham-me feito falta o ano passado :-)
cris, não...só há estas, são pra mim! ;-)
dama do lago, elas andam por aí :-)
I like the ladybugs too, congrats for attracting them! (Not as fond of the asian lady beetles that get in the house, though!)
Que boas recordações me trouxeste com a tua resposta. Que ricas bombocas eu comi, uuuuuhmmmm.
Também já vi cá uma joaninha, mas era muito mini-mini-mini.
I have not seen any in my garden this year. There is place here in the states that sells lady bogs and mails the live bogs to your house, I am not sure if that is a good idea.
Ladybirds are my friends too Alexandre and I'm happy to say that they are very happy in my garden. It's good to see that they are happy in yours now too!
Love the ladybug photos! Unfortunately, we have the brown beetles, called "potato beetles" here, that come into the house and stink when you try to kill them.
rusty, I guess it might be if you have an aphid infestation...
yolanda, yes, lots of ladybugs this year, and no aphids. Hurray!
rose, I've eard about those. I not sure I would like to have them arround either.
I see a lot of ladies in my garden this year too. Many, many more than last year. And many fewer aphids too!
Now if I could just find something that feasts on slugs...
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