Cistus albidus
Embora as flores de amendoeira sejam, sem duvida, o que marca o inicio da primavera, estas são, na minha opinião, as flores emblematicas da estação. Nesta altura do ano os campos enchem-se com as flores rosadas dos Cistus albidus.
Although almond tree blossoms are the first sign of spring, it doesn't feel like spring until the cistus start to bloom. At this time of year the fields arround here are covered with the pink color of Cistus albidus flowers.
No meu jardim ainda vou ter de esperar um pouco até ver Cistus albidus em floração (estes são os que germinaram de sementes colhidas no outono passado), mas os cistus plantados o ano passado estão agora a começar a florir.
It will take me some time to be able to see them in my garden (the above seedlings just sprouted from seeds collected last fall), but right now the other cistus I have planted last year are starting to bloom.

4 comentários:
Adoro todos os Cistus
This has got to be one of the best garden blogs I've come across! And to add some joy, its Portugese. What a thrill! At first, it was your adorable beasts that put a spell on me, but as I kept reading more and more through your older posts, I didn't know what delighted me more, your walks through the beautiful countryside or the photos of plants themselves. I'm truly happy to have found it and am gonna keep a close eye in the future. Keep up the good work.
I'm afraid I don't know what you are saying but the photos are great. Cistus is such a beautiful flower and such great value! I particularly love the scruffy pink one. It looks like a pair of silky smalls, pulled out of the back of a drawer. Un-ironed and yet still seductive.
crix, são, não são? São uma das minhs flores favoritas. Pena q seja tão dificil encontrar à venda :-(
viooltje, thank you for your comment, I really appreciated it. I just went for a quick visit at your blog and loved it. The cat pictures are wonderful.
earthwoman, thank you for your visit and comment. Maybe you didn't realized it but my posts are both in Portuguese and English.
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