Apanhei hoje as primeiras favas. A produção foi um pouco decepcionante, com pouco mais de meia duzia de vagens para apanhar. O terreno é muito pobre em matéria organica e não foi convenientemente melhorado, talvez por isso a produção tenha sido tão baixa. No entanto as poucas favas colhidas têm muito bom ar, não têm?
Picked the first season's broad beans. Broad beans were a bit of a disappointment, with only a few pods to collect. I blame it on the poor soil and on the fact that I didn't enrich it with compost or other source of organic mater. Anyway, the few broad been I collected look yummy, don't they?

6 comentários:
Nutritious too, I'll bet. What do you make with them?
lisa, I'm not sure yet...I froze them until I can pick the others and then maybe do some kinde of soup (broad bean and cilantro soup is great!)
Mmmm! That does sound good!
neste caso foram mesmo "favas contadas"!!!!...
Mas deixa estar, que mais vale poucas e saborosas do que muitas e "sensaboronas"!
I've heard of "broad beans" before, mostly in English gardening magazines, but to my knowledge have never actually had them. Do know whether they taste like what we call Lima beans? (Kind of chalky?)
Ez, qto ao saborosas ainda n sei. Estou à espera de apanhar mais para as cozinhar.
blackswamp_girl, I actually have never tasted lima beans. I only eared about them recently in american garden blogs. Broad beans have a very peculiar flavor that I couldn't describe (I'm also not very good at describing flavors)
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