Desde que uma delas decidiu habitar a minha caixa de correio (sem que daí lhe viesse qualquer consequencia nefasta) que as osgas se tornaram presença constante no meu jardim. Agora que o tempo começa a aquecer está na altura de as ver aparecer. Já muitas vezes tinha tentado mas nunca as tinha conseguido fotografar (anos e anos a ver a familia e os amigos a serem mortos à vassourada por donas de casa irritadas/enojadas tornaram-nas animais muito desconfiados), mas numa destas manhãs enquanto andava a mover umas madeiras destinadas à fogueira encontrei esta jovem, que por pura injenuidade ou talvez devido ao frio que se fazia sentir, não fugiu e se deixou apanhar. Por sorte também não se lembrou de largar a cauda (mecanismo de defesa destinado a confundir os predadores) e assim pude fotografá-la "de corpo inteiro".
Ever since one of them decided to turn my mail box into its home (without suffering any consequencies) these little geckos are becoming more numerous in my garden. With the temperatures raising its time for them to raise from their winter sleep. I had tried for many times to capture one of them in a picture, but centuries of being persecuted by disgusted housewives with brooms made them very suspicious animals. One of these mornings while moving some old wood I found this juvenile that didn't run away (maybe it was too naif, or maybe it was too cold to move). I was lucky enough to capture it without triggering its defence mechanism (they lose their tail in order to distract predators while they run away) and manage to take these great pictures.

7 comentários:
I just love lizards/gekos. I have never seen one in our garden. I try to take pictures of them when we are on vacation. It seems like when I point the camera at them they run. They are so sensitive.
How lovely! I'm a big fan of lizards and other reptiles and amphibians. They're great garden helpers. We have salamanders here, but not geckos. What do the cats think of them?
Lisa, I know what you mean, I've been trying for years to get a good picture of one of these. This was the first time I could capture one and take a photo.
jodi, I love having them arround, they eat all types of nasty bugs and theyr presence tells me my garden has a healthy environment. Cats like to chase them but I've never seen them capture one. They are too fast climbing up a wall.
Too cute! They sound about as hard to photograph as Chameleons. (I finally got a photo of one this year.) We don't have any lizards in Northern Illinois (except for escaped pets) & I really like them.
I am also a big fan. Lizards and frogs are a gardeners best friend. In my garden there is a war between lizards and my neighbor’s cat, the lizards have form an alliance with my dog Rosie and they seem to be winning the war.
já tenho 2(!) dragoeiros no escritório...
um vai para évora
Mr. McGregor's Daughter, they are much more difficult to photograph than chameleons (chameleons are a lot slower, at least the ones we have here)
rusty in miami, my cats will chase them every now and then, but I've never seen them catch one (they are not great hunters thank God)
noche, q sorte! as minhas sementes de dragoeiro não deram em nada :-(
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