Once again, its Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, time to show you the blooms in my garden.

Este mês, com a chegada da primavera (embora no calendário ainda seja inverno) há muita coisa para mostrar.
It's spring at jardim dos gatos (even though its winter in the calendar) and there is lots of blooms to show.

Echeveria pulidonis

26 comentários:
What beautiful flowers in your spring garden. Seeing them makes me long for summer days here, but I'm trying to be patient because Spring is a pretty season, too.
Thanks for joining us for another bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Oh Gintonio, your garden is full of beautiful blooms. I haven't seen some of them before. They make me wish I could have them in my garden. They wouldn't survive our winters though.
Beautiful flower after beautiful flower....really a lovely way to spend the morning...I want to know more about your garden and the garden conditions. I can see that I am going to be sitting at the computer all weekend looking at your and all the other fabulous Bloom Day gardens.
Wow, you do have plenty of adorable plants in your garden! Really beautiful!
Thanks for visiting - it made me find your blog!
Regards Katarina (Roses and stuff)
Wow, you have a lot of blooms for Blooms Day! We are not so lucky here in Indiana.
A feast for the eyes! You don't need Crocus when you've got Cistus & Lavender in bloom.
Wow! Gintonio, I just came across your link at Roses & Stuff~so glad I did! You're garden is a feast for these winter weary eyes!! You have so many fabulous plants! And gorgeous pictures!! You have so many beautiful Lavenders! And I absoulutly LOVE the tall blue plants!~I would love to try them in my garden! Do you ever share seeds? And the beautiful Freesia !
So many beautiful plants~many I'm not familar with!! ~If I didn't have spring fever before ~I have it now! :D I can't wait to come back and see your garden at all the diffrent seasons!
Have a lovely weekend!
You're newest blog fan!
Looks like summer in California! :)
Caramba!!!! para não dizer a palavra F!!! LOLOL
Mas quantas dezenas de hectares tens tu?!?!
:D Um hectare de Parabéns!
From the looks of it, you have some towering plants in your garden. Amazing to see. Thanks for the tour.
Gintonio, you have so many beautiful things in bloom now. I love them all but the one plant I wish I could grow most of all is Echium. I fell in love with that plant in California.
Is that Phlomis in some of your photos? That's a new plant to my garden, I can't wait to see it in bloom.
Your cats are beautiful!
Your flowers are beautiful and you know how to take wonderful photos! Many of the same things grow here (not that they're all in my garden) although they aren't blooming in Davis yet.
Wow. Great flowers and more flowers... you have so many in your beautiful gardens. Love the lavender!
meems @HoeandShovel
Via Kate in Canada I found your interesting blog. I'm overwhelmed of all the blooming plants you have now. When we stayed in Portugal last month I also took some pictures of flowers I discovered on the roadside and for the first time I saw this wonderful cistus. You seem to have different sorts in your garden. They are so nice. I'm glad to have found this blog so I'll be better informed about native plants when we are going to your beautiful country next time.
Regards from Switzerland,
Lovely pictures! You have some interesting lavenders. I knew of L. stoechas, but hadn't seen L. canariensis before.
We have some plants in common, but yours are far ahead of mine. Thanks for the preview!
Carol, summer is not something I long for, our summers are too hot for my taste. Let it be spring!
lisa, I know, i feel the same with some plants I see in northern gardens. But they wouldn't survive our hot summers.
gail, welcome to my garden. Please feel free to saty as long as you like :-)
katarina, thank you for visiting and leaving your comment. I'm glad you found my blog.
suzyq, spring arrives sooner here in southern countries, but it is heading your way :-)
mrmcgregos's daughter, you know how it is...grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I really would like those crocuses ;-)
catherine, thank you for the kind words. By "tall blue plant" you mean the Echium? I could try and get some seeds for you if you would like.
chuck b. isn't the weather in california similar to ours (zone 10)?
Ez, o jardim não é muito grande, tem é muita coisa. É "assim a modos como que" o jardim de um certo cactófilo da blogosfera ;-)
bonnie, thank you for stoping by and leaving your comment
melanie, Echium is a wonderful plant when in full bloom (in a week or two - I will post photos of it ). Yes those are Phlomis. They are great very low maintenance plants.
leslie, thank you for your visit and your comment.
meems, lavenders are a favourite of mine too, but I guess you can tell that from the pictures ;-)
barbara, thank you for stopping by. How nice that you visited Portugal, some of the pictures from my walks may not be new to you then?
What a fascinating mix of familiar faces and total unknowns, Gintoino! I can only dream about growing echiums like that here in Pennsylvania. And while I've had Plectanthus neochilus for a number of years, it's never seen fit to flower for me, as yours has for you. Thanks so much for the tour of your garden!
I have spent an enjoyable time scrolling back and forth through your photographs just trying to take in all of the beautiful blooms. While plants like Kalanchoe are familiar, the varieties you mention are not ... I like them very much. I would feel as if I'd died and gone to heaven if I could ever step outside and see Bulbine growing in my garden. It is such an attractive plant. The Cistus is stunning for its paper-like texture. The Tulbaghia violacea is a delightful flower - I think Cris Balbosa posted a picture of this at some point in her blog. I love the look of the Euphorbia wulfenii - what an interesting plant.
They are all beautiful - your garden is a wonderful visual treat.
Wow everything looks great in your garden, if this is winter I can’t wait to see your summer blooms.
Such an abundance of blooms, so fun to enjoy your wonderful photos, thanks for sharing them. They are all beautiful but I lust for the bulbine. Pam at Digging in Austin frequently shows photos of hers and yours is equally captivating, as are all your flowers. You have the right touch to encourage your flowers to grow so well.
Frances at Faire Garden
Wow, that's a mega-bloom day in your garden. That echium is so proud and startling. A pride of both Madeira and your garden! Thanks for reminding me of one awesome plant I definitely want in my garden. I totally forgot about it until your beautiful garden reminded me of it. I was hoping for my Eremurus to do the magic last year, but it was in the way of a voracious army of slugs. Well now, I'll just keep enjoying your wonderful winter bloom!
Your white calla lilies are so beautiful. I've come to appreciate them only recently. A few weeks ago I bought a variety called "hot chocolate" which is dark burgundy, but it is too early to plant them here.
Hey Gintonio, wow what beautiful flowers for March :-)
I had no idea gardens in Portugal could look like this just now! I love the cistus and lavender but they make me think of summer here in Scotland – not spring :-D
What a wonderful selection of plants you have in your garden – thanks for posting so many photos. It has been a delight to browse :-D
What lovely flowers! I've never posted on a Spanish blog and apologize for doing so in English. A blog is such a wonderful way for cultures to connect. Flowers are the universal language.
nan ondra, thank tou for the comment, Plectanthus neochilus does grow very well arround hereand blooms through out sprin and summer. It is such a wonderful plant!
kate, yes cris bolbosa has Tulbaghia in her garden, but a variegated one. Bulbine is a great plant, and so low maintenace, I wish you could grow it in your garden, and cistus...well, cistus are a favourite of mine for a long time.
rusty,summer is not the best time to visit my garden. Since I rarelly water it most plants go into summer dormency until the fall rains.
frances, seems like bulbine is a favourite for many bloggers :-) It is a wonderful plant.
viooltje, I always wanted to try Eremurus, in my garden, but I'm not sure it likes it hot and dry...
weed whackin'wenches calla lillies are such beautiful flowers, I'm always waiting for this time or year when they start blooming. Such an elegant flower
Shirl, thank for your visit. The cistus with the lavender are my favourites too ( i do seem to have a lot of favourites ;-) )
Sarah Laurence, thank you for you visit and comment, but if I may...this is a Portuguese blog, not a Spanish one :-)
What a wonderful contribution to GBBD Alexandre! There is much to be said for gardening in a climate like yours. So many blooms already. BTW loved that pretty little freesia.
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