Bem, talvez chamar-lhe "jardim" seja um exagero. É mais, uma parte do meu terreno (a maior parte), que não está cultivada. E enquanto é e não é cultivada as flores silvestres crescem em abundancia.
Well, maybe "garden" is not the correct word. This a big part of my land that is not (yet) cultivated. And until it is every spring it gets full of wild flowers.

Os planos para esta zona são, plantar árvores de fruto, e algumas especies autoctones (cistus, lavandas, tomilhos)
The plans for this part of the garden will be planting lots of fruit trees and a native garden with lots of cistus, lavenders and thymes.

Até lá é o meu "jardim selvagem", onde os cães podem brincar à vontade.
Untill then this will remain my "wild garden", and my dog's playground.

Estas são algumas das flores que alegram este meu jardim
These are some of the flowers blooming in my wild garden

I want to build a pond in this area of the garden. Unfortunately to do that we will have to remove all these little iris, so the pond won't be built until I found a solution for this (I don't want to loose these lovely flowers).

11 comentários:
How beautiful! Each and everyone is like a painting. I don't blame you for not wanting to lose the iris. Can they be transplanted?
It is such a pretty meadow, I can see how it would be hard to dig up some of it. I hope you'll leave part of it wild for your dogs, it looks like they really enjoy it.
I love the stone wall. Did you build it? All your meadow flowers are so pretty, especially the little irises. But a pond would be great too.
beckie, I'm transplanting one or two to see how it goes. Hopefully they will be ok.
mr mcgregor's daughter, I'm gonna keep it as a more relaxed garden, where my dogs can still play without doing to much damage.
pam, I also love the wall. I didn't built it, it came with the house, and I imagine it to be around 80-90 years. The house was built in 1914
Com essa alegria toda não sei se vale a pena "ajardinar". Está tão bonito va versão silvestre...
Hello Gintoino,
I came to your blog to see the bloom day post - you have wonderful plants, especially the Echium/Pride of Madeira....but then I saw your wild garden and it's also wonderful! Living in a house built in 1914 sounds rather romantic, but it will be better to have internet and modern kitchen and bathrooms along with the romance!
Good luck with finding a solution to installing the pond without losing the iris.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Acho esse muro feito de pedras uma verdadeira relíquia.
Por falares em eira, como ficou aquele arranjo em circulo que estavas a fazer?
Quanto às pequenas iris (que vista maravilhosa!) o que hei-de dizer! Preserva-as o mais que puderes, aí ou noutro local do teu jardim. São fabulosas!
Beautiful wildflowers! I think it's very admirable that you are leaving some of it wild...not just for the dog, but the butterflies as well. Those little irises may actually like the water. I've had pretty good luck moving wildflowers, especially if I get a lot of dirt with them. Helps to save seeds to scatter as well (insurance).
Claro que é um jardim! Um jardim de baixa manutenção e grande beleza.
Sweet wildflowers! I reconize some of them. I am pretty sure at least one, maybe two, of them are terrestial orchids! They may be small, but I would love to have native orchids in my wild garden. But no such luck here.
I love your wildflower garden. I would hate to lose any of those pretty flowers. I imagine the iris will transplant easily. Good luck with the transplant.
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