Começou por não querer sair da cama, não quis comer. Estava com febre. "Ok, está com febre, dou-lhe um antibiotico e a coisa deve ficar bem". Mas não ficou... continuava sem comer e cada vez mais triste. Já não saía da cama, não queria festas, não miava. Aqui vamos nós para a clinica...colheita de sangue, análises, soro, internamento. A coisa durou uma semana, uma semana em que o Zé (o gato tripé) andou fora e dentro da clinica veterinária sem se conseguir chegar a um diagnóstico e sem apresentar melhoras. Uma semana depois, novas analises...e desta vez um diagnóstico. Haemobartonela felis, um parasita sanguineo transmitido pela picada de uma pulga. Muda-se o tratamento...nada de melhoras. Mais uma semana, uma semana de lutas diarias para o obrigar a comer à seringa ( se alguém já tentou obrigar um gato não cooperante a comer sabe concerteza a complicação que isso é). Há 3 dias recomeçou a comer, assim, de repente, como se nada tivesse acontecido. Anda pela casa atrás de mim a miar por comida. Voltou a ser o gato de antigamente. Hoje pela primeira vez saiu à rua e pode dormir ao sol.
It all started when he didn't want to get out of it's bed. He didn't eat, he had a fever. "Ok, so he has a fever...I'll give him some antibiotic and he should be fine". But it wasn't, he kept refusing it's food and getting more and more depressed. Took him to the vet...blood tests, iv fluids, the all thing. For a week we kept not reaching a diagnosis and Zé (the tripod cat) kept on getting worse. A week latter, new blood sampling, new blood tests, and finally a diagnosis. Haemobartonella felis, a hemoparasite transmitted by flea bite. New medication...still no improving. Another week...a week of force feeding (if you ever tried to force feed a cat you know what a "treat" that is..). 3 days ago he started eating, just like that...as if nothing had happened. He's following me all around the house asking for food. He is its old self again. Today, for the first time we was allowed outside and managed to have a nap under the pomegranate tree.
11 comentários:
Oh, Gintoino, I'm so glad he's feeling better! I know just what you mean; it's so scary when they are obviously not feeling well and they can't tell us why. And you're also right--forcefeeding a cat is not fun. Neither is giving them pills, though I gave all ours worm pills today and didn't get any scratches, none of them vomited, and I didn't find any dead mice in my slippers either. :-)
Hum, um gato é um gato é um gato!
Poor kitty! I'm so glad he is better. What an ordeal. Give him a hug.
Que sufoco... :(
Ainda bem que já voltou tudo ao normal!
That is very scary, and so glad he is better. He is a lucky cat to have such a caring and kind caregiver.
Frances at Faire Garden
I am so glad he is better. What a scare. It is like having small children that can't tell you what is the matter with them when they are sick.
Obrigado a todos pelos comentarios e preocupação. O Zé já está fino! ;-)
Thank you all for all your comments. He is doing much better now.
Que susto! Ainda bem que tudo acabou bem. È valente o Zé Tripé ;)
Oh... that would be quite a scare! Whatever happened to perk him up, I'm glad to hear that he's back to feeling and acting like his old self again.
blackswamp_girl, thank you for your visit and your comment. It was a big scare, but thank God he is doing fine now.
Phew, what a lucky escape! I'm glad that your kittycat is feeling much better now. It's very scary when they get that ill and the vet doesn't know what is wrong with them. But fortunately a diagnosis was made in the end.
Force feeding a kittycat is not my hobby either but sometimes it has to be done. It's good to know that he is eating all by himself now.
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