Os "legumes" semeados no inicio do mês passado continuam a crescer. Qualquer dia terão de ser tranplantados para a horta. Se a preguiça/dor de costas o permitir tenho de começar a preparar o solo da horta onde os irei plantar definitivamente.
Vegetables sowed last month are growing well. Soon they will need to be transplanted so, if my back/laziness allows me to, I will have to start digging that vegetable garden soil.
3 comentários:
Wow, you're making great progress! I want to sow some lettuce in old wash tubs (to keep rabbits out), something off the ground like that would be easier on your back, I'll bet.
You do have a lot of babies to plant outside. Better get that, or those beds dug. That looks like a lot of promising food to be.
Frances at Faire Garden
Your seedlings are growing away nicely. Soon you'll have to plant them out.
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