Colhi a minha primeira melancia este fim de semana. Não parece na fotografia, mas era minuscula (para melancia), menor que uma bola de andebol. Assim tipo dose individual. O que lhe faltava em tamanho compensava em sabor.
Harvested my first watermelon this weekend. A very tiny watermelon, smaller that an handball. Kind of an individual dose of watermelon. Very tasty despite its small size.
11 comentários:
Mmmm - water melon - so very tasty... /Katarina
Gintonio, I am trying to get caught up on my blog reading since being away.
Your melon looks good even if it is small. It took a long time for your beans to flower I hope they were worth waiting for.
I also hope your bush takes its pruning by living for another season of blooms. It is a pretty bush. I have never seen it before.
Ando a salivar por uma "talhadinha" de melancia...bjs
Pois é, tudo que é pequenino está concentrado :) Está provado que a melancia também se quer como a mulher e a sardinha eh eh
I like your "single serving" watermelon...I bet there's a market for those! :)
What do they say, Alexandre - "all good things come in small packages"! So satisfying to eat what you've grown whatever the size.
I had to smile in recognition at your pruning of your favourite and doing damage. So many times I've done the same in my enthusiasm. We live and learn.
mmmmm - lovely! We grew some small ones last year, and they were perfect even if tiny! This year we left it too late to sow them, so we've been buying them from a stall at the garden where they're grown, almost but not quite as good your own.
I'm trying to get caught up, too... and am jealous of all of your lovely produce already! How big is a handball, about? The size of a baseball, or bigger?
katarina, yes, very tasty. I can hardly wait for the others to become ripe.
lisa, I've been away for a few days too. Catching up on the comments and on blog reading
griséu, melancias ainda não tenho mas se quizeres uns tomates é só dizer :-)
ameixa seca, humm parece-me q n estás a ser imparcial hehehehe
lisa, who knows? maybe I'll star a business ;-)
ladyluz, everything looks ok with the Echium for now, maybe I didn't kill it this time...
chaiselong, I was late to sow them too (my first year as a vegetable gardener, I still don't know when to sow things) so we are still waiting for the others to ripe.
blackswamp_girl, I think maybe twice as big as a baseball. Still small for a watermelon :-)
P. F.: queremos mais coisas lindas antes de férias para animar o espirito.
It's more than what I can grow, melons don't do very well where I live, certainly not water melons. So well done and bon appetit!
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