Eu sei...já passaram quase duas semanas desde o meu ultimo post. Se fui de férias? Isso queria eu! Ando cansado, com falta de férias, sem vontade de publicar o que quer que seja...
Mas não tenho estado parado! Na horta as coisas continuam a crescer (enquanto que no jardim continua tudo muito parado), e todos os dias colho legumes. Os feijões (verdes) amarelos continuam a produzir em força e os tomates (que não os cherry)começaram finalmente a amadurecer. As couves sofreram novo ataque dos malditos insectos pretos e vermelhos o que apressou a colheita das couves de bruxelas ( e a compra de oleo de neem, a ver se me consigo ver livre deles). Abóboras, melões e melancias estão produzir em grande, mas isso fica para outro post.
I know...it's been almost two weeks since my last post. Did I go on a vacation? I wish! But no, I'm just tired, over stressed, longing for a vacation and lately I just didn't feel like posting anything.Not that I've done nothing in the garden! 'Au contraire', my vegetable garden is growing and I've been harvesting veggies every day. Yellow (green) beans are highly productive and I need to harvest them every day (they do a very good risoto by the way...) and tomatoes, other than cherry tomatoes, are starting to ripe. Brussel sprouts have been attacked by harlequin bugs again, so I started harvesting them sooner than I anticipated (I also bought neem oil, to try and get rid of those pesky bugs). Melons, watermelons, and squashes are growing well, but that will be discussed in another post.
9 comentários:
Entendo-o bem...com este calor... parece que tudo fica adormecido....
Bom "regresso"!
Que linda colheita.
Your harvests are fabulous - I wish I could harvest one tenth of your crop!
Wonderful harvest. By the looks of it I'm guessing the taste must be wonderful too. Btw, I've harvested some of those Verbascum seeds and their ready to be sent if you still want them ;-) I'm off to holidays for 2 weeks on Saturday and I can try and send it before, or I'll do it when I come back. Either way, you can email your address to: violet@hi.t-com.hr
Hola Gintoino. I'm really impressed that you have brussel sprouts growing now. I've assumed they were a winter growing (UK) veg so haven't given them a go. Now I know better.
Know what you mean about not feeling like blogging, especially when you're busy in the garden, and it's been so hot lately.
And it's like doing combat going to the supermarket - hordes and hordes in their SUVs, fighting for parking spots, tussling for the products as food flies off the shelves. And to cap it all, the ATMs were empty ....again. I hope Loulé is a bit calmer.
parece tudo apetitoso ;) vou levar sementes ou frutos de dragoeiro, são lindos e devem dar-se bem pelos nossos lados, o que achas? bjs lú
Esse quintal não pára de produzir coisas boas :)
Estou com vergonha, Nao posso colher bruxelas aonde que eu vivo. Esta um poco quente, e eles nao formar as cabecas. Parabems
ankh, pois, só me apetece deitar à sombra e acordar qdo já não fizer calor...
sandra duarte, linda e saborosa hehe
katarina, I think that with time the harvests will become even bigger. The soil still needs to be improved
viooltje, delicious! I've sent you a mail about those seeds.
ladyluz, I think I was just lucky. I sowed them out of season and they still grew. Don't even start me talking about tourists...
lú, quero, quero! Já há montes de tempo q quero um.
ameixa seca, é o q se pretende ;-)
han_ysic, aqui tb está bastante calor mas creceram e formaram cabeças (ainda que tenham sido semeadas por engano).
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