terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2008

Colheita do dia / Today's harvest

jardim 4371
Tomate cherry e feijão verde / Cherry tomatoes and french beans

6 comentários:

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen disse...

Congrats on this lovely harvest! How pretty those french beans look and your tomatoes looks yummy. I'll have to wait a bit longer before mine are ripe.

Ezequiel Coelho disse...

Esta Semana no... Jardim com Gatos!!! :D

Katarina disse...

How great it must be to be able to go out into your garden and pick ripe tomatoes and other vegetables!
We've had so many slugs here, which has prevented me from growing lettuce and such. But now the slugs are diminishing, so maybe next year...

gintoino disse...

yolanda, I could have had ripe tomatoes a lot sooner if I wasn't late in sowing them. Hot weather starts a lot sooner here :-)

ezequiel, só faltam os carrinhos e as meninas das caixas ;-)

katarina, luckily we had no slugs or snails damaging the vegetables this year. I hope you get to have your veg garden next year :-)

Ezequiel Coelho disse...

Tratamos já disso!!!

gintoino disse...

ez, LOL