quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2008

Vamos brincar? / Want to play?

Caso estejam interessados este é o jogo preferido dele. O "corre atrás de mim e vê lá se me consegues tirar o tronco/bola/brinquedo".Depois dos 10 anos (feitos hoje) parece que voltou à infância outra vez. E eu todo contente de o ver assim.

In case you're interested, this is "try to catch me and take my toy from me", his favorite game. He is 10 years hold today and it seems he is experiencing a second childhood. I'm happy to see him that well.

4 comentários:

greenman disse...

Parabéns ao Cão de Guarda!
É engraçado que a minha Wendy também está a ficar mais brincalhona com a idade!


O importante é que estejam felizes!!

Curmudgeon disse...

Happy Birthday to the very handsome pup! Diva Dog also likes that game--with a ball instead of a stick.

Lisa at Greenbow disse...

Happy Birthday to your handsome doggie. I hope he has many more healthy active years. What is his name? I think most dogs like to play that game.

Katie disse...

He is a great dane mix? I am glad to hear he is up and about at 10. Here's to another 10 years!