Mais uma vez é dia de mostrar à blogosfera o que de mais bonito floresce nos nossos jardins. É assim todos os dias 15 de cada mês, por iniciativa do blog May Dreams Gardens. Se depois de verem as minhas fotos quizerem ver o que floresce por esse mundo fora dêem um salto até lá.
Like every 15 of every month its GBBD. May Dreams Gardens brings it to us since about 2 years now, I think. You might want to go there and have a look at wat's blooming around the globe.

10 comentários:
Lovely, this colourful contribution to GBBD. I like the path to your house flanked with all the flowering shrubs. Here it's only a few flowers here and there.
Happy GBBD!
Beautiful photos Gintonio. I think I have that very sedum that is blooming. At least the bloom on mine looks a whole lot like this one except it doesn't get that deep of color. Maybe because it doesn't live in full sun. I have to bring it in during winter or it would be frozen to death.
Beautiful flowers, especially the purple ones - my favourites. Is that really a cistus at this time of year? And your path looks so much more colourful than it did in the summer!
Everything is looking great in your garden on this GBBD
Wow, Gintoino! We're trying to scrape together a little bloom for November around here, but you're awash in color. It's all gorgeous.
By the way, I still have to send you some beet seeds. I'll see if there are any harvestable seedheads on my 'Caradonna' salvia, and if there are I will include them--you can give those a try, too.
Thanks for sharing all those lovely blooms! Your garden is still a paradise!
You have a beautiful assortment of blooms. I've never seen one like the flower of that succulent. It almost looks like somebody came along & stuck it in the plant.
yolanda, this is really one of the best times of year in my garden. The weather is still nice and the plants are all blooming.
lisa, the sedum you mention is in fact an Echeveria. Its also a succulent but from a diferent family. You can find Echeverias blooming in diferent colors. The flower is not the most atractive part of the plant but I thought it would be a nice adition to bloom day.
Chaiselong, that's the beauty of gardens in my climate, we have 2 springs here. Summer is too hot for plants to grow or bloom, but once the temperatures drop in Autumn...its "spring" again!
Rusty, this is one of the best times of year for my garden.
blackswamp girl, if you could send me some caradonna seeds it would be great! From now till Summer my garden will be blooming. Summer is really the worst time in my garden.
roses and stuff, wow! thank you for such nice words.
Gostei de passar por aqui e à muito que não o fazia.
Tens um jardim muito bonito com flores ainda mais bonitas.
Passarei mas vezes e de preferência no dia 15 de cada mês para ver as belezas floridas.
Beautiful color! What a variety of things you have in bloom.
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