I'm still working in the garden, and at the moment I'm graveling the paths. With time (and a lot of work from me) the garden will be all covered in gravel. I've always liked gravel gardens but that was not the only thing that made me choose this type of garden. Gravel acts as mulch, making it more difficult for the weeds to grow and keeping the soil moist. I've been using a layer of newspaper under the gravel, which makes it more difficult for the weeds to grow, keeping the soil moisture.

This is what the garden looks like from the house, looking good, no?
Infelizmente o resto do jardim,ainda, está com este aspecto. Mas não por muito mais tempo, esperemos.
Unfortunately, the rest of the garden is, still, looking like this. Not for long I hope.

21 comentários:
Your garden will look wonderful. It already does. I love the stone wall in the last photograph ... and the stone in the foreground surrounding the tree.
kate, thank you! It will take some time and hard work before everything is finished. The stone wall came with the house, the property is half surrounded by it. The stone around the tree was my doing, it's not perfect, but looks nice.
Eu gosto muito dos jardins com gravilha. Dão um ar oriental e pacífico... eu acho! Está a ficar fantástico Gintoino. Vale o esforço ;)
Desculpa... vais ter de me perdoar... mas... sabes o que estás a fazer?! Sabes?
Este teu cantinho, nem te digo...
Está a ficar fabulástico!!
Sabes o que significa, não sabes??
Que vais ficar com um jardim bom para relaxar... pois, depois de tanto trabalho, vais ficar sem trabalho nenhum, eheheheh... e já agora, os jornais era para dares um pouco de cultura ás tuas plantinhas, certo??
Sim porque elas também vão precisar de se ocupar... quando não tiverem nada para fazer, vão lendo um bocadito...
Amei a ideia dos barrotes... acho que vai ficar lindo... bela ideia...
Ahhhhh e o caracol???
Tens te cruzado com ele???
Bons trabalhos e beijinhos.
Um jardim nunca está acabado, há sempre algo a mudar ou a construir. Penso ser esse o segredo para não nos cansarmos.
Eu já andava (há tempos atrás, agora não) a pensar fazer algumas mudanças de plantas, pois achava monótono vê-las nascer todos os anos no mesmo sitio. Até os vasos, de vez em quando mudava-os.
Bem...agora vão mesmo para outro sitio, ironias do destino. Só que até voltar a ter "um jardim"...não me doa a cabeça, pois vai demorar muito tempo.
Voltando ao teu jardim, está um encanto, mesmo acolhedor! Até a parte que ainda não está acabada tem um ar tão natural. Gostei!
Your garden does indeed look good now. I can see your vision of the gravel paths and mulch. It will be wonderful.
ameixa seca, de facto nem todos os jardins orientais têm gravilha nem todos os jardins de gravilha são "orientais". No caso do meu o "design" não tem nada de oriental, faltam-lhe as fontes, os arbustos podados... O estilo oriental é bonito de se ver, mas não combina muito comigo ;-)
florescer, não será bem assim, o trabalho num jardim nunca está terminado. Há sempre coisas para fazer, plantas para podar... mas tens razão, esse tipo de trabalhos são mais uma maneira de relaxar.
cris, é preciso é força de vontade e animo. Daqui a pouco já vais ter um novo jardim, vais ver!
You have a lot of work ahead of you but is going to look great. Good luck.
Your hard work is paying off Gintonio. Your garden is looking good.
It looks great--very Mediterranean. You are wise to use newspaper under the gravel.
I really like your animated avatar with the cat! Are you really 16 years old?
rusty in miami, thank you. Yes, I still have a lot of work ahead, but it will be worthwhile.
lisa at greenbow, thank you!
chuck b. the newspaper is not 100% effective, but it does help in keeping the weeds under control. Ofcourse I'm not 16, more like 37. It was so difficult to create that account that by the end (for the 10th time or so) I wasn't giving the right info. Tried to change it later but couldn't...
A little bit at a time gets the jobs done. It's going to look great (it already looks great in the planted part). The gravel is the way to go in your climate & it sets off the plants so nicely. Your railroad tie steps are going to look so good with the Thyme draping over them.
LOL, you have a big garden so you can't do it all at once. The view from your house is wonderful and I think the reasons you have for using gravel are excellent.
My garden is not finished yet either, some parts look good, others ....... not so much. ;-)
E ainda tens muito que fazer...
continua com o bo trabalho.
Bom fim-de-semana
O teu jardim está a ficar fantástico!
Agora uma pergunta um pouco interesseira: o jornal não se decompõe rapidamente?
(Interesseira porque eu tenho um site ligado à minha actividade profissional em que aconselho a tela, mas ela fica caríssima)
Wow, the garden really is looking good! That's a lot of gravel to spread around, but the finished look is amazing.
By the way, I'm still marvelling at the comment you left on my blog the other day. Unlabeled plants AND nursery workers who don't know what things are? How frustrating!
mr mcgregors' daughter, yesI think the steps will look very nice, then I will have to work on the lower part of the garden. The work never seems to end ;-)
yolanda, thank you. Yes, gardens never seem to be finished, there is always something to do, something to change...
jmrm, obrigado :-)
jardineira aprendiz, a primeira parte do jardim foi feita há cerca de 1 ano, e o jornal ainda lá está. Um site? hum...q site?
blackswamp_girl, thank you. Yes, most plants will be unlabeled here, or just labeled with the plant's species but not the cultivar. And the people that were suposed to help know a lot less than you. I mean...The other day I spotted a plant I didn't know and asked what was (there was no label), the guy started by looking at me and then at the plant, and me again...like if I was asking something about nuclear physics . He then wanted to convince me it was a thyme...well I might not know what that was but I knew it was no thyme...at the end of the day I found out in the net that it was a teucrium (can't remember the specific species)
Adorei seu jardim, está ficando maravilhoso!!!Como é gratificante ver tanta beleza,depois do trabalho duro que se tem!!!
Um beijão...
Está fantástico!!!!
Cool blog, I hadn't noticed jardimcomgatos.blogspot.com before during my searches!
Continue the superb work!
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