Ladies and gentleman, we have compost! It took its time almost a year, but today I "harvested" my first compost. Isn't it amazing to see that all the "garbage" we throw into the compost bin turns up into this wonderful black compost?

Há cerca de um ano, quando comecei a sonhar com uma horta, comprei este compostor. Para ser sincero não gosto muito dele e estou a pensar em deixar de o utilizar . Se a ideia for colocar os restos de cozinha e do jardim lá dentro e esperar que compostem sem termos de fazer mais nada, funciona bem, o processo é lento mas funciona. Mas se quizermos acelerar a compostagem e revolver a pilha de composto com alguma regularidade, então a coisa já não funciona tão bem. O compostor é demasiado alto.
About a year ago, when I first started to dream about a vegetable garden, I bought this compost bin. To be honest I don't like it very much and I will no longer use it. Its too high, which makes turning the compost a very difficult task. So, if you just want to throw yore vegetable waste into the compost bin and wait (a long time) for it to transform into compost this might work for you. But if you want to speed up things a little, by turning the compost regularly, than this is not the right compost bin.

Quando comecei a horta resolvi construir estes dois outros compostores (se se pode chamar construção aquilo...). Estes funcionam muito melhor, porque não só têm muito maior capacidade, mas também porque a tarefa de revolver o composto é muito mais facil. A compostagem torna-se bastante mais rápida. O compostor da esquerda foi iniciado em Dezembro já se pode retirar composto de lá (o outro compostor levou um ano a fazer a mesma coisa).
That is why, when I started the vegetable garden; I decided to build these other two compost bins. They might not look as great as the other one (I have to work on their looks) but they are far easier to use. Turning the compost becomes very easy and the composting process a lot faster. Just to have an idea, the compost bin on the left was started in December and yoy can already harvest some compost (in the other one it took about a year)

So, for now, the plastic compost bin will be used only to store all the compost I don't use immediately. With time I have plans to turn it into a vermicomposter, but that is a all different story.
8 comentários:
Eu gostava de ter um vermicompostor. E ter um jardim como o teu claro... mas isso é outra história.
Hum, cheio de trabalhinhos...
Tá bem!
Mas dá um tempinho e descansa de vez enquando, tá?
Eu sei que há sempre um montão de coisas para fazer... mas também é necessário recarregar baterias...
Tem um óptima semana, ok?
Bjks ;)
I like the bins you built much better. Maybe use the one you bought for things that might attract animals.
You're very patient to wait for the compost to reach that nice, crumbly, homogeneous stage. I can never do that!
ameixa seca, pois, eu já ando a "macerar" a ideia de um vermicompostor há algum tempo. Vamos ver se é desta.
florescer, o trabalho no jardim é a minha forma de carregar baterias e aliviar o stress do dia a dia :-)
chuck b., I'm a very patient guy in what concerns the garden. I like to take it slow. The built bins are not pretty but they work so much better!
Your compost looks great. It will improve your soil so much. I don't blame you for not wanting to use the plastic composter. Your homemade one looks better to me.
I also like the bins you built much better. If I had room for them at my house, I would have some like yours... but because of my tiny yard, and because my former husband did NOT want me to have compost bins at all, I had to buy the black plastic bins similar to your first one. (He allowed me to have them since they would be hidden in the black bins. Now, the bins keep me out of trouble with my non-gardening neighbors.)
lisa, yes they work a lot better then the bought one. They don't as nice though ;-)
Blackswamp_girl, I'm lucky not to have non gardening neighbours, nor a partener that doesn't aprove of my garden activities :-) Next step will be vermicomposting and then...CHICKENS!!
Hiya gintoino,
I did the same thing yesterday. And it was lovely to feel it crumbe through my fingers. So clean and promising. I 'harvested' 300 gallons from one on my old brandy barrels. Just spread the goodness around all over the garden to make it look neat and tidy for our village open day today.
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