Estas são algumas fotografias tiradas esta manhã.
I realized that I've rarelly posted pictures from my garden, just limiting myself to this or that plant. Here are a few pictures captured this morning.

Esta é uma graminea autoctone, que ando a experimentar no jardim.
This a native grass I'm trying in the garden
12 comentários:
O teu jardim parece um daqueles que aparecem nas revistas! É sempre um prazer 'visitá-lo'!
jardineira, até fiquei babado com esse comentário! :-)
Your overall pictures of your garden are beautiful Gintonio. That thyme lawn will be gorgeous when it fills in. We gardeners have to learn to be patient. What is the circle area? Is this a patio or is it a meditation area?
Hi Gintoino, Your garden is magnificent, thanks for showing the long shots. I love the gravel paths, the building, the VIEW, everything about it. Your choice of plants look very appropriate for the style of garden that you have. I love the thyme lawn and the circles, is that a labyrinth? And of course sweet kitty in the gravel, sunning him/herself. Thanks for all those wonderful pictures. I will be studying them at length.
Frances at Faire Garden
Gostei imenso de ver as fotos do teu jardim. Tens um espaço lindo, amplo e super bem cuidado. Vê-se bem quanto carinho investes nele, parabéns:)!
Tomara eu um espaço assim... Um belo jardim, bem cuidado e bem guardado :-)
Hum, tanto carinho, é isto que dá...
Belo cantinho que tens por aí...
Aproveita bem esse pedaço de céu.
I love all the fine-textured plants and shades of silvery gray! You're doing a great job with everything, and I'm looking forward to seeing your thyme lawn fill in. I have a green and yellow variety called 'Doone Valley', and it smells like lemons when you touch it. Not sure how much foot traffic it would take, though.
lisa at greenbow, thank you for the comment. The circle is intended to be a "patio like thing". Once the trees are grown it will be in the shadow and we will be able to enjoy the garden during the hot summer months.
Frances, I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. I still think that most of the times pictures don't do justice to a garden. I answered to the circle question in my previous comment :-)
Dama do lago, ameixa seca, florescer, obrigado pelo comentario. Qdo bem tratadas as plantas retribuem generosamente.
lisa, I also have something similar to that, but it was only labeled as lemon thyme. That one won't take much foot traffic
É um espaço magnífico!!!! re-parabéns!
Your plant and design choices are excellent. Your garden looks like a great place to spend lots of time. Good luck with your native grasses.
Your garden looks like it belongs - you've made a beautiful sanctuary for yourself & your pets. I also thought the spiral/circle was a meditation path. It's a classic pattern & reminds me of your snail.
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