Its Garden Bloggers Blooming Day, and like every 15th of the month its time to show your blooms. GBBD is hosted by May Dreams Garden, so if you want to get involved you just need to go there and leave a comment about your GBBD post.
Este mês não há grandes novidades, infelizmente a época das Iris e dos Cistus já terminou, mas as Salvias estão a começar.
Not many new blooms this month. The Iris and the Cistus are done with blooming, unfortunately, but Salvias are starting their season.

Na horta também se encontram algumas flores. Podem não ser tão espectaculares como as do jardim, mas a promessa de frutos torna-as talvez ainda mais desejadas.
In the vegetable garden there are a few blooms. They might not be as spectacular as the ones in the garden, but promise of sweet fruits makes them even more dear to me.
16 comentários:
Nice photos! You are way ahead of me, I am zone 5 in Utah. HOw hot /dry is it there, if at all?
I love the Salvia with the blue Agave - hot & cool.
You have many blooms Gintonio. All are very pretty.
As always, you have so many blooms, it is hard to imagine what kind of paradise you live in. Thanks for posting for bloom day again!
Carol,May Dreams Gardens
It is always summer somewhere! Nice taste of it in your photos with all those hot colors. Salvia never gets that big here in New England!
One can almost smell the thyme and feel the sun while looking at your garden, Gintonio!
It was interesting to see the species Salvia microphylla - in Austin we are all growing the 'Hot Lips' selection of that salvia with white and red. And your Salvia leucantha is blooming! But when I see the more single bloom on your pomegranate it makes me wish for that instead of the doubled one in my garden... just lovely!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Oh, your Salvias are fantastic! And you've got a flowering Punica beautiful!
Oh my... what beautiful flowers! (Like Mr McG's D, I love the salvia and agave combo.) What I really enjoyed was the picture of the verbena bonariensis, though. You really get a glimpse of how lovely your entire garden must be when you check out the background of that photo!
muum, here we are in zone 10. Temperatures at the moment are around 20-22ºC. Its been rainy for the past few days, but that is not normal. By now the temperatures should be a bit higher and a lot dryer.
mr mcgregor's daughter, yes, I also think that worked out very well.
lisa at greenbow, thank you. From now on until Autumn plants will start goimg into their Summer rest and things will slow down a bit.
carol, thank you for your nice words, and thank you for hosting GBBD.
layanee, salvias get huge around here. I have to prune them back at least twice a year.
Annie in Austin, I've seen salvia "hot lips" for sale, but have to tell you I prefer the species (I tend to think the original plants always look nicer than the cultivars, with few exceptions). S. leucantha blooms almost year round in my garden, its one of my favorites. I'm not sure about this, but aren't double flowered pomegranates purely ornamental? I have this idea that they wont produce fruits (once again I prefer the simpler flowers ;-) )
katarina, salvias are one of my favorites (pity I can't find that many species for sale around here)
black_swamp girl, Thank you. The garden is still under construction, but if you here ( you will have an idea of how its going to look (I didn't translate the texts by then, but you can still see the pictures)
So many great blooms! Your garden is full of color and so lush. I forgot to include the mexican sage on my post- oh well... it reminds me of the lavenders with the silvery foliage. I'm looking up that Alium to see if I can grow it in Florida.
Meems @Hoe&Shovel
meems, This a wild garlic that grows around here. I had it wrongly identified. It is really Allium ampeloprasum.
Também queria um jardim e quintal assim... Os melões então, ui!
Agora no Verão é uma delícia. De que qualidade são os teus?
Bom fim de semana
Bem, isto é um comentário repetitivo, mas o jardim está lindo, como de costume!
Oooh... thank you for the link. I must have missed that post. You do wonderful design work with textures, and I love the spiral/brick area.
ameixa seca, são melões brancos, tb tenho semeadas meloas e melancias ;-)
jardineira, obrigado. Esse é o tipo de comentário q sabe sempre bem.
Blaclswamp_girl, thank you! Comming from you that sure is a great compliment.
As usual, wonderful photos of an amazing garden. I can't really say which one I like better, that Agave is just stunning, and something I haven't seen before - Leonotis, what a lovely plant!
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