Pois é verdade, tenho-me esquecido de lhe dizer que o Pascoal já é de novo um gato livre. Não perdeu grande peso, mas fez a dieta para diluição dos calculos urinários até ao fim. Esta manhã, para variar, esteve a dar-me uma "mãozinha" na horta.
I've been meaning to tell you that Pascoal is a free cat at last! He didn't get any slimer, but at least he finished his urinary diet. There he was, this mornig, giving me a hand in the vegetable garden
4 comentários:
He looks quite content sitting in the sun in the garden. A happy cat.
lisa at greenbow, he is a happy cat. :-)
Hurray for Pascoal, he's free at last. Who was more happy about that, you or Pascoal? :-)
What a relief that must be for the little fella ! I bet if Pascoal could yell ''Freedom'' out loud, he'd do it better than Mel Gibson in that Braveheart scene ;-)
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