I had my eye on her since long ago...I remember seeing her for the first time last year. I couldn't forget about her ever since. She had to be mine! So I started the courtship...and the passion went bigger and bigger, until last week when I finally decided myself and brought her home. Here she is, my new love, my new shredder. Considering that not long ago I told you about my other love, I guess this makes me a bigamist!

Chegados a casa fui logo pô-la a trabalhar. A "rapariga" tem um apetite insaciavel, e tudo o que eram ramos secos que andavam pelo jardim desapareceram num ápice. O resultado final? Um belo monte de madeira triturada.
I made her work as soon as we got home. She has quite an appetite! All the branches that were around were shredded in minutes. At the end I had quite an amount of shredded wood.

O destino de toda esta madeira triturada? O canteiro dos morangos claro! Esta cobertura vai ajudar a suprimir o crescimento de ervas daninhas, mas principalmente ajudar a manter a humidade do solo.
Where did all that shredded wood go? To the strawberries patch of course! Mulched like this the strawberries wont have to fight as many weeds and I wont have to water them as often.

8 comentários:
Congratulations on your new shredder! I have to admit - I got one too last week. Only I haven't tried mine out yet.... /Katarina
I think bigamy is a strong word...perhaps you are just too passionate to be satisfied by just one lover! (I mean garden tool of course...you know...;-)
I believe you were just toying with your other love. tee heee...
You are gonna get a lot of good from this new love.
katarina, you have to try it! I love this "free mulch source".
lisa, I just hope I'm able to satisfy both lovers,... garden tools I mean. ;-)
lisa at greenbow, I already have lots of mulch from it.
What a beauty your new passion is - our diddy little one is worse than useless.
Good to see the lovely fruits burgeoning in your garden. Ours are too and as rain is expected next week, we should both see a great improvement.
ladyluz; the weather is starting to change here. I hope it rains. My garden will surelly apreciate it :-)
Tod@s te agradecem:
os morangos, o terreno, a natureza e o senhor que te vendeu a trituradora!!!
Ah... e nós, por nos mostrares este teu paraíso!
Passei por aqui, e gostei da máquina de triturar. No meu jardim também começa a amontoar-se madeira velha e precisava de me desfazer dela. A máquina é eléctrica ou a gasolina? E já agora, será que posso saber a marca?
E deixo aqui o convite a visitar a Quinta da Ribeira, na concorrência...
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