Fruit is starting to grow in my vegetable garden/orchard. The trees that I planted two years ago will produce their first fruits.

O damasqueiro deu algumas flores, mas durante as semanas de mau tempo, o q deve ter contribuido para apenas ter dois frutos.
The apricot tree blossomed during a period of heavy rains (it didn't rain the entire winter, and then when the blossoms where ready to open, there it came, loads of rain), and that's why (in my opinion) it only produced two fruits.

A ameixeira está neste momento cheia de flores e se tudo correr bem há de produzir algumas ameixas.
The plum tree is blossoming at the moment and, if everything turn up right, should produce a few plums

Pelo menos as abelhas parecem estar a tratar disso.
At least the bees seem to be doing their job.

O pessegueiro também está em flor, por isso devemos vir a ter pêssegos.
The peach tree is also blossoming, so I'm anticipating some juicy peaches.

Já com as pereiras, a história é diferente. Foram plantadas há 4-5 anos e nunca produziram nada. Nem flores nem frutos. Nada! (convém dizer que também nunca lhes liguei grande coisa, e só o facto de ainda estarem vivas já é bom)
Este, como foram alvo dos meus cuidados resolveram presentear-me com umas quantas flores. E digo flores e não frutos porque dali não deve sair nenhuma pêra. As pereiras não são autoférteis, o que quer dizer q precisam do polén de uma outra pereira para produzirem fruto. Ora estas duas realmente estão a florir, mas completamente desencontradas. Enquanto que uma já tem as flores abertas há dias a outra só agora está a produzir os botões florais. Mais um ano sem pêras....
The pear trees...well thats a different story. I planted them 4-5 years ago and ever since they haven't produced any flowers or fruits (I should confess that I also didn't bother to fertilize or water the poor things for all this time)
Since I started taking good care of them this year, they decided to offer me some flowers in return. And that's probably the only thing I will get from them since they are not blossoming at the same time (pear trees are not self fertile and so need another pear tree polen to produce some fruits). Oh well, another year with no pears....

Os morangueiros, esses continuam a produzir morangos sem parar. Só me arrependo de não ter plantado um maior numero de plantas. Para o ano quero ver se consigo duplicar a produção.
Strawberries keep on producing. My only regret is that I didn't plant a few more plants. Next year I want to, at least, double the number of plants.

Esta é uma groselheira que comprei para experimentar. Não tinha a certeza se se iriam adaptar ao nosso clima quente e seco por isso resolvi plantá-la sob uma amendoeira, de modo a ficar à sombra nas horas mais quentes do dia. O que é facto é que começou a produzir novos rebentos há coisa de 3 semanas e agora até já deu flor e está a produzir os primeiros frutos
The redcurrant was bought even without knowing if it would adapt our hot weather. I planted it under a almond tree where it will be in the shadow during the hottest period of the day. It started sending some new growth 3 weeks ago and now is blossoming and even producing its first fuits.
7 comentários:
Currants do quite well for me, but it's much colder here. Very wise of you to plant it in some shade.
PS. There's an award for you at my place...
lisa, I hope it can cope with the hot summer weather we have here. Its in the shadow and heavilly mulched but still...
Katarina, thank you!
Apricots, Peaches, Pears & Plums ~Oh My!!:) How wonderful to have your very own orchard! Blackberries and strawberries...
Yum yum! Nice capture of the bee working away! What a wonderful garden you have..a feast for the senses! Congrats on the award!~Thats how I found you!
Enjoy the weekend!
Oh, dear. Apparently my Spanish failed me and I'm only now learning your name is Gintoino, not Alexandro! (Sorry!) Now if I can only learn to pronounce it. But more importantly, how fabulous that you have so many fruit trees! I inherited a fig, apple, plum and quince. And you are reminding me that I should fertilize them all very soon! Good luck!
Kathryn (Catarina)
Isn't it amazing how lovely all of these fruit trees are in bloom? It hardly seems fair that you get all that beauty AND delicious fruit in one plant. :)
catherine, and figs and almonds! I have 2 adult fig trees and several almond trees that came with the house. I'm glad you found me trough roses and stuff.
kathryn, gintoino is a nick name I use for the web. My name is actually Alexandre like you see it on blotanical. And I'm portuguese and not spanish :-)
blackswamp_girl, I can hardly wait to see them as adult trees.Blooming fruit trees are so wonderful!
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