Vai daí resolvi matar saudades e comi uma tigela de bagos de romã ao jantar. Exteriormente os frutos parecem secos, são ainda mais dificeis de descascar (esse é o problema das romãs...para se poder comer uma tigela de bagos perde-se "uma hora" a descascar.), mas no interior continua tudo igual, vermelho, doce , sumarento.
Do you remember them? Well, I didn't. I thought I had eat or made jam (delicious jam by the way) of them all, but I found these 3 in my fridge yesterday. So I decided to have myself a bowl of bliss...er... pomegranate that is.
On the outside they were dry, with a very tough skin, making it even more difficult to peel (they hide their secrets very well, those pomegranates), but on the inside everything was as I remembered, red, sweet, juicy.

6 comentários:
Oh Yumm. We can't grow these here. I think they are beautiful to look at too.
Ai, isto não se faz... acabei de jantar, rs
I have never understood how to eat them. Does one swallow the seeds, chew them up then swallow, or spit them out? There are so many seeds. Or is there another way they should be treated.
lisa, they are beautiful indeed. The tree is about to blossom, and the flowers are beautiful too, maybe I'll be able to show them in my next GBBD post.
crix, ;-)
barnee', you can either swallow the seeds or spit them out, as long as you don't bite on them (they are bitter)
Pomegranate has been in the new lately as a cure all fruit, I don’t know if it is true but Pomegranate juice mix with other berries is delicious
Huum, tenho três na geladeira quase exatamente iguais a estas; hoje mesmo pensei que iria transformá-las em árvores sem passar pelo trabalho de descascar. Valeu, muito boa informação !
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