terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008

Orquideas silvestres 2008 /Wild orchids 2008

6 comentários:

ameixa seca disse...

São mesmo lindas. Nunca vi nenhuma selvagem ao vivo...

Frances, disse...

What a wonderful way to show your photos and the names of the plants too. Thanks.
Frances at Faire Garden

Lisa at Greenbow disse...

What beautiful orchids. I don't think I have ever seen any of them in person. Thank you for showing these. Have you taken all of these pictures near you home?

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen disse...

You know I love wild flowers and these are very nice indeed. In the Netherlands we have wild orchids too but only very few. Thanks for sharing all these lovely orchids with us!

gintoino disse...

ameixa seca, tens de ir para os campos e procurar..elas "andem" aí!

frances, I had so many pictures of wild orchids that thought this was the best way to show you a few of them.

lisa at greenbow, yes these were all pictured near my house (some of them in my "wild garden")

yolanda, I'm sure you will have some species that we don't see here in the south. I would love to see them.

Crix disse...

Um verdadeiro show ;)