Tomates "Marmande", feijão verde "Branco de trepar", grão de bico preto e 2 ovos (pelo menos uma das miudas anda a furar a greve)
Tomatoes "Marmande", green beans "Branco de trepar", black garbanzo beans and 2 eggs (good to see that at least one of the girls is not on strike)
7 comentários:
Beautiful tomatoes - and eggs! That is good news. We didn't find that Marmande did very well a couple of years ago, but we're picking ripe coeur de boeuf, St. Pierre and Ananas tomatoes - so good to have them fresh from the garden, isn't it?
chaiselongue, I'm not a tomato person (I hete the taste of a raw tomato), so I'm only growing a few tomato plants in order to have tomatoes for cooking. Still I love to have them ripe and directly from my garden instead of those colorless, tasteless tomatoes you buy from the supermarket. Marmande are not very big tomatoes...I think that next year I will go with something bigger...
This is a beautiful photograph. It makes me hungry.
Que bom! Já dava para uma "sopita de tomate com ovos" (este é um comentário muito alentejano, sem dúvida), para uns ovos mexidos com tomate...
Prevêem-se bons tempos.!!! As miúdas quiseram só pregar uma partidinha.
Também acho que já dava uma bela sopa de tomates com ovos.
Bom Apetite!
Black garbonzos? Please show and tell more. I've never heard of these.
Lisa, thank you. That was the idea ;-)
Ezul, Luisa Moreira, é mais para o lado dos ovos com tomate...
Meybeline, Its the first year I grow them and I'm saving the seeds to next year, so I don't know much about taste. The plant was very easy to grow, even with low irrigation. You can see a picture of the seeds at http://jardimcomgatos.blogspot.com/2009/04/novas-sementes-new-seeds.html
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