No outro dia comentava no Trumbuctu, que este ano os alhos tinham escapado à ferrugem. parece que falei cedo demais, hoje quando fui dar uma volta pela horta estive a vê-los com mais atenção e alguns deles estão afectados pela doença. Não são todas as plantas, nem de forma muito grave por isso não deve haver grande problema. Daqui a uma semana ou duas já os devo poder colher todos.
The other day as I visited Trumbuctu, I posted a comment saying that my garlic was rust free this year. Today as I was walking around the vegetable garden I spoted a few plants that have it. Just a few, and not very seriously, so there shouldn't be a problem. I will be able to pick them i a week or two.
3 comentários:
If the rust gets too bad a good organic treatment in Neem oil. My main planting of garlic got a bad case of rust this year. A couple of treatments with Neem oil stopped it from getting any worse.
Rust is nasty to look at, but I haven't found that it has a bad effect on the plant itself, just a nuisance. Make sure you dispose of those leaves and don't compost them!
Too bad about the rust. That reminds me I was going to try something Søren had good luck with last year, and try spraying a little milk mixed with water on the plants. This is supposed to help prevent it, but it probably isn't useful after the plants already have the rust.
I hope the rust doesn't get any worse on your plants, but no matter what you will still end up with a harvest as the rust isn't usually fatal.
Your garlic season is really ahead of mine here, if you expect to harvest in a few weeks. I guess it's because you are so much further south. I just dug up a couple of plants to eat today, and they have just barely started to form bulbs at the bottom.
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