Este mês embora com temperaturas mais baixas ainda há bastantes flores no jardim.
Once gain its the 15th, meaning its Gardener Bloggers Bloom Day. If you want to be a part of it you just have to go to May Dreams Gardens and leave a comment telling every one where to find you.
January has been a colder month, but we still have a lot to see in the garden.
Agastache mexicana
Uma papoila silvestre que resolveu aparecer/ A wild poppy that just grew in my garden
A knophophia ainda tem algumas flores/The kniphophia is sill showin its last blooms
Plecthranthus neochilus a começar a florir/Plecthranthus neochilus showing its first blooms
Lavandula canariensis
Chasmanthe floribunda a começar a florir. Este canteiro fica lindo quando estão todas em flor
Chasmanthe floribunda is also starting to bloom. They make a wonderful display once they are all bloomingPhomis purpurea
Erigeron sp. continua a florir cada vez mais. Esta planta ainda não parou de florir desde q a plantei no verão passado./ Erigeron sp. still covered in blooms. This wonderfull litle plant still hasn't stop blooming since I palnted it last summer.
Lavandula dentata em flor como sempre. Esta é uma das plantas mais antigas do jardim e me falhou. Só não está coberta de flores no periodo após a poda./ Lavandula dentata covered in flowers has usual. This is one of the oldest plants in the garden and one of the most reliable. The only period it isn't blooming is after cut it back.
Polygala mirtifolia
Latana camara, sofreu alguns danos com a geada mas continua a florir alegremente. Latana camara, was a bit damaged by the frost a few days ago but is still blooming happily
Felicia amelloides recomeçou a florir depois de uma pausa de alguns meses. Felicia amelloides started blooming again after a few months without any flowers.
Argyranthemum sp
Aloe arborescens ainda em flor. Aloe arborescens is still blooming quite nicelly
Lavandula stoechas
Bergenia cordifolia a florir pela primeira vez. Bergenia cordifolia blooming for the first time
Leonotis leonurus
Phlomis fruticosa
18 comentários:
Thanks for the photos! The lavender is beautiful and the chasmanthe interesting. This is my second bloom day posting also, we are classmates! What zone are you? From the aloe in the ground your climate looks like the US California or Florida.
I have added you to the links list on Faire Garden, but was not sure of the english translation of the name of your it Garden With Cats?
Thank you for your visit and comments frances. This is zone 10 (I think southern Portugal climate is similar to Florida). And thank you for adding me to your links list, the translation is correct ;-)
The wild poppy & Kniphofia are stunning! I'm not a big fan of the color orange, but those are just so pretty. (Maybe I like your photos of them so much because I don't/can't grow either one.)
Hi Gintoino,
Frances asked the question in my mind - in what zone could such an amazing array of blooms be open in January?
You have a lovely garden - Happy Blooming Day!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Gintoino, Inverno? Onde? No teu jardim é que não é! Que belas flores. Por aqui só uns Allium e alguns narcisos, e pouco mais, algumas anuais que se anteciparam, e ervas, muuuuuitas ervas. Urtigas então nem se fala! A minha Leonotis está igualzinha à tua, depois de ter florido bastante, ainda vai tendo forças para dar mais umas florzinhas, ainda que mais fracotas.
mr. mcgregor's daughter, thank you for visiting. Orange is one of my favorite colors in the garden and most of the plants that bloom at this time of year in my garden are yellow/orange.
annie, thank you for visiting. Yes I live in zone 10. Our winers are mild and wet. We do have a lot more plants growing/blooming during the colder months of the year than during the hot dry summer (most plants will be resting by then)
I'm glad you liked my garden :-)
How wonderful to see a garden full of bloom in January. It warms me up just to see it, and I can almost smell that lavender. Thanks for joining us for bloom day again!
Caorl, May Dreams Gardens
Hi Gintonio, your garden has so many different and beautiful flowers that we don’t see here in Florida. I specially like that Felicia amelloides.
Gintoino, eu fico pasmado!!! Parafraseando a Cris, no teu jardim não há inverno.
Ohhhhhh, such lovely blooms in the dead of winter. Your garden looks great, Gintoino. I've been to Portugal in winter and know how nice your climate can be then. In my country it is colder but I still have a few outdoor blooms for GBBD, and a few cats to see too.
Happy GBBD!
Hi Gintoino,Your Blooms day list is quite impresssive, esp for this time of the year...and I haven't seen many of them before...truly exotic!
Thanks for sharing,
Best Wishes
Wow so many blooms. I just love the poppy. I can't seem to get poppies to grow in my garden. I have one that might make it from last year. Great pictures all.
cris, por aqui tb há muitas ervas, mas ainda vai havendo bastantes flores para alegrar o inverno
carol, glad you liked it. Thank you for hosting GBBD
rusty, its funny how some plants are so comon in some places and not in others. We can find Felicia in every garden center we go here. They are delightfull litle plants.
paulo, por aqui os meses com menos flores são os meses mais quentes. Os invernos não costumam ser suficientemente frios para q as plantas parem de florir (e a rega/chuva extra ajuda muito)
yolanda, it amazes me that you seem to have rose blooms all year round. I really have to try some type of rose ;-)
green thumb, glad you liked it. That's the porpuse of GBBD, to share our gardens with people arround the world
Lisa, poppies grow like mad here. I've never planted any, they just keep sprouting all over the garden. They are so beautifull I just let them grow and bloom
Oh, nice to see a garden in Portugal! You have so much lavender. I wish I could grow even half as much. You must have the perfect conditions for it.
Olá Gintoino
Um Feliz 2008! Passei por aqui algumas vezes, e não resisto a comentar algumas das suas flores, a florir ai neste momento...
Esta herbácea amarga, o Plecthranthus que conhecemos aqui como boldo rasteiro resiste a tudo então; eu a utilizo em jardins em encostas e solos pobres e com pouca água e resistem com muitas flores, com um pouquinho de água então fazem uma festa. Você sabe a origem dele? A Fellicia é um pouquinho mais exigente, e a Lantana me surpreende também que dê flor em temperaturas mais baixas. As outras são menos conhecidas, mas surpreendentes também.
Um abco.
A tua Kniphofia já alguma vez deu sementes? A minha está a ganhar sementes, mas não sei se vão adiante!
Thats areal winter treat to see your garden.
This month I started GBBD - there is not much to show :)
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