As ervilhas já crescem na horta. As primeiras que plantei (não me recordo agora a variedade) já estão inclusivamente com vagens a crescer. São supostamente ervilhas de trepar mas por agora matêem-se bastante pequenas.
Things are moving in the pea bed. These are the first ones I've sown (can't remember the name of the variety), and they are growing their first pods. They were suposed to be a climbing variety, but for the time being they are rather small.

As ervilhas de quebrar também já germinaram todas e começam a crescer a bom ritmo.
Snap peas have also sprouted and are growing quite well.

Por ultimo as ervilhas roxas. Estava com medo que nem germinassem porque fui darcom as sementes a começarem a ganhar bolor (não sei bem o que se passou, mas havia humidade no frasco onde as guardei), mas afinal ainda estavam viaveis e começaram a germinar por estes dias.
And the purple poded peas...I'm so glad these are sprouting! I thought I had lost them since the seeds (for some weird and unknown reason) were starting to get mouldy. I need to review my seed saving/storing technique.
1 comentário:
Peas are one of my favorite vegetables. What fun to watch them grow. Our ground is now frozen. Nothing will be growing until next spring.
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