Passados os meses quentes de Verão estamos na altura de recomeçar os trabalhos na horta. Arrancar os restos das culturas de Verão, revolver a terra, incorporar composto e fertilizante (estrume de ovelha compostado, no meu caso) e reiniciar as culturas de Outono/Inverno. É altura de semear alfaces, couves, nabos. Vou também experimentar semear ervilhas e plantar batatas (li algures que assim talvez consiga ter batatinhas novas para o Natal). Hoje foi o dia de plantar alhos e cebolas. Este ano além de ter semeado cebolas (que ainda estou à espera que germinem) vou ainda plantar todas as cebolas demasiado pequenas para consumir que colhi na horta. Espero que cresçam até terem um tamanho decente para serem consumidas.
Its time to start the vegetable garden all over again. The summer months are gone and the temperatures are dropping, its time for autumn/winter crops. I'm sowing lettuce, turnips, brassicas and I'm also going to try and plant some potatoes (hopping they will be ready by Christmas) and some peas (I never sowed them this soon). Today I planted garlic and onions. I sowed some more onions but since I had lots of small onions from last season I thought I'd use them as onion sets. I hope they will grow to be big juicy onions this time.
6 comentários:
E eu a pensar que eram bolbos de flores!!
É que ando a pensar muito neles ultimamente!!
Boas plantações!
The onions I sent you are perennial, in other words they keep growing.
Most onions however are biennial. This means in the first year they will grow and form onions in the ground, and the second year they will send up flower stalks and make seeds.
When you buy onion sets in the store, they are something different. They are in effect seeds that have started to grow, but are still in their first year, so they will develop onions.
There are two things to consider if you decide to go ahead and let these onions make seeds in order to save them. The first is of course if the original plants were purchased from the store, they are probably F1 hybrids, and what you grow from the saved seeds won't be genetically stable. The other thing is because you only planted your small onions, you are in effect selecting for small onions, and any seeds you do save will probably result in smaller than usual onions.
Sometimes onions (and other alliums) have nice flowers! You could always let them grow for this.
By the way, my Papa de Rolo beans did really well, one of my most productive varieties this year. How did yours do? I can send more seeds if you need them. I also have seeds for some other interesting beans, if you are looking for more.
Adoro cebolas! Tanto que mal penso em esfaquear uma, começo logo a chorar...
Boa produção!
It's surprising how suddenly it seems to be autumn and time to think about next year! Like you, we're sowing brassicas, lettuce and turnips. Peas we usually sow at the end of October with broad beans. I hadn't thought of putting in potatoes at this time of the year, so I'll be interested to see how yours do.
Eu também pensei que eram bulbos de flores...hehehe
Eu adoro cebolas, mas no Brasil elas são tão baratas, mas tão baratas que se torna inviável plantá-las! Pouco mais de R$ 1,00 o quilo!!! Aqui a parte de hortaliças e legumes é muito em conta.
As frutas já são mais carinhas, então compensa cultivar.
Nem sabia que era assim que se plantavam cebolas, muito separadas uma da outra.
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