Chegou a altura de colher os figos. Normalmente são em tão grande numero que não sei que lhes fazer. Foi por isso que experimentei conservá-los em calda. Figos, açucar, água, canela e limão são os ingredientes. É na minhha opinião a melhor maneira de comer figos durante o Inverno. Um figo, calda e um pouco de natas por cima...não há melhor!
It's fig harvesting time again. I usauly get more figs than we can eat so I started preserving them. Apart from fig jam I do figs in syrup which are my favorite. Its the best way to eat them in the winter. A fig, some syrup and a bit of cream....few things can beat it!
12 comentários:
Também é muito bom congelá-los e depois comer ás fatias ainda mal descongelados
Oh my gosh! Those look succulent and delicious!
Would you ever consider posting the method/recipe you use to preserve them like that?
Thanks! ☺
Nunca comi figos assim mas adorava experimentar :)
Sounds delicious!
Now cpme on. You need to include the recipe.
"A pedido de muitas familias" aqui vai a receita. Levam-se os figos frescos e igual quantidade de açucar ao lume com água suficiente para os cobrir. Juntam-se 2-3 paus de canela e 1-2 limões cortados ao meio. Deixa-se ferver cerca de 1 hora até a calda ter uma coloração amarelada. Encher frascos esterilizados e guardar.
Here goes the recipe, in a large pan put together fresh figs and the same weight in sugar. Cover with water and add a few cinnamon sticks and 1-2 lemons cut in half . Let it boil for about an hour until the syrup has a golden color. Keep in sterile jars
I am really, really green with envy! I adore fresh figs, but I guess there are only so many that a person can eat in one go, eh?
Thank you. Now all need are some figs. My espalier is too immature; but it gives me something to look forward to. Thanks again.
Obrigada pela receita mas, se o "problema" dos figos se prolongar, posso dar um saltinho ao Algarve e livrar-te desse mal...
São só a minha fruta favorita.
And they look so beautiful in those jars! No figs on our tree this year, but I think it'll be of age to produce in 2010. We are crossing our fingers -- it's a young fig tree that was given to us by my father-in-law.
They look lovely. It's fig harvesting time here too - we freeze them and make jam with them, but I think it would be good to try this too. They'll be delicious in the middle of winter!
Sounds delicious!
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