Finalmente um pouco de chuva esta manhã. Este foi um Verão muito seco e apesar de regado o jardim acusou a seca. Acho que algumas plantas se perderam, mas só agora com as chuvas vou ver ao certo quem cresce de novo e quem já não dá sinais de vida. Uma poda rigorosa também se impõe uma vez que o abandono que sofreu todo o verão deixou as suas marcas.
The day started with rain. Finally some rain! This was a very dry summer and the garden suffered with it. Some of the plants might have been lost though I'll only be sure of that once the growing season starts again. It also needs a good pruning. I've been a lazy garden all summer and the garden looks terrible.
6 comentários:
Há chuva muito necessária e, que nos faz felizes!
Boas colheitas!
Como vão os velhotes?
It was just one of those lazy summers here this year too. I am glad you finally got some rain. This should help.
If that photo is an example of how all the garden looks, I think it is pretty. It has that lovely, sear Mediterranean look. But, I am glad that you are finally getting some rain.
Neste recanto do Alentejo, foi ontem à noite que caiu uma forte chuvada - um intenso cheiro a terra! Hoje, novamente o calor a secar tudo!
It's good to get rain at the end of the summer, isn't it? We've had some, but we still need more. Amazing how things do come back to life, though. Our artichokes looked dead last week, now they have big new green leaves!
Luisa Moreira, os velhotes vão bem obrigado :-)
Lisa, I wish it would rain for a few days more...that would help.
Barbee', you're too kind. I think it needs some pruning and some green growth.
Ezul, pois, temo que por aqui vá acontecer o mesmo.
chaiselongue, the garden has a huge recovery capacity once it starts raining. It's amazing.
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