I know this is suposed to be a garden blog. Not a blog about dogs. But...I haven't been gardening much lately (the weather just won't improve) and you have to admit that puppy photos are always cute to look at. Besides I would be ashamed to show you any garden or vegetable garden photos (nothing there but weeds...big weeds - the only thing that seems to like these heavy rains).
These are not recent pictures (2-3 weeks old, but the weather hasn't been good for pictures either)

Muito sofre a pobre Maria Antónia nesta profissão de Baby sitter...
Poor Maria Antonia is an excelent Baby sitter...
6 comentários:
It won't be long and Maria will be looking up at her charge. Cute pictures.
Puppy pictures are always welcome.
Gandas malucos :)
A saga do meu possuído continua!
Wonderful pictures! I always worry that I post self indulgent doggy pictures on my gardening blog, but people always respond positively. Lovely pictures of those two dogs playing together!
Até a Maria Antónia parece rejuvenescida... Nada como dias preenchidos para revitalizar.
Nem quero pensar na "cavalada" quando chegarem os dias de sol.
Estão lindos, os dois.
Qual é a palavra para 'terrier' em portugués?
Aprendo portugués . . . lentamente . . .
Quero morar em Portugal alguns dias . . . com o meu cão - a terrier!
Muito obrigada.
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