Encontrei estes dois pequenotes quando andava a regar os vasos no outro dia. São a nova geração de predadores do jardim (para terem uma ideia a louva-a-Deus teria qualquer coisa como 1 cm e a aranha era menos de metade).
I found these two little guys as I was watering my potted plants. They are the new generation of predators that will be working in the garden (the praying mantis was about 1cm in length, the jumping spider was less that half of that).

10 comentários:
You take the most thought-inspiring photos. While some may jump away out of disgust or fear, you share what nature gives us as allies in the garden. Beautiful!
I looked for mantis in my garden today but didn't find any. That spider has beady eyes.
Dois pequeninos...
A aranha parece bem maior!
They look pretty scary up close and personal. Luckily they are very small, otherwise : nightmare!
Adoro as fotos, estão excelentes, mas detesto aranhas, lol
amazing photos!!! I cant believe you have pomegranate trees with flowers. Must be amazing. Does it have fruits in season?
Rowena, insects and spiders are part of the garden. Most of them very useful to it. It would be silly not to accept them, right?
Lisa, we have lots of mantis around here. Lots of egg clusters too.
Pó de arroz, a foto está mais aumentada. A aranha era minuscula.
Yolanda, they would be nice even if adults. Jumping spiders are so cute.
analuciana, mas pq? Não nos fazem qq mal...
weekend farmer, Thank you for your comment. Yes, we have ripe pomegranates when the season comes. And ver tasty ones too ;-)
Are you kidding? There are a lot of people who would never accept them. One day I brought home a hedgehog (I let it go later), and my neighbor was horrified. Lizards, bugs, whatever, not all people willingly accept them as friends. The biggest shocker was learning of people who set out sticky traps to bait the geckos who are attracted to the trapped bugs. Then they toss the whole thing into the garbage.
Rowena, that's.....plain stupid and so cruel! How can people be so ignorant? Arghh!!!!
Tenho uma fobia inexplicável às aranhas!! O mais parvo, é que não tenho medo de mais nenhum outro insecto or réptil, mexo em tudo, mas as aranhitas, ui!!
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