segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2017

São rosas, senhor, são rosas / Roses in the garden

Nunca fui grande amante de rosas. Quer dizer..são bonitas, cheiram bem, mas como plantas de jardim as roseiras nunca me atraíram. Sempre as considerei demasiado exigentes quer em rega, quer em cuidados e manutenção. Além disso a maior parte das rosas que se vêem nos jardins portugueses são híbridos de rosa chá com grandes flores solitárias e que formam um arbusto visualmente muito pouco atraente.

I've never been much of a rose person. I mean, sure they are nice flowers, they smell nice but as a garden plant I never realy cared for them. Always thought them to be fussy plants, that needed lots of water and maintenace and in the end didn't look good.

Era esta a minha opinião acerca das rosas até ter descoberto esta roseira a crescer num terreno abandonado. A planta era um arbusto vigoroso, coberto de rosas tipo antigo, as minhas preferidas, que crescia sem nenhuma rega nem cuidados. Resolvi trazer umas estacas e tentar ver se enraizavam. Apenas uma enraizou e já cresce no jardim. A planta ainda é pequena, mas já está coberta de rosas desde Dezembro.

And then I found this rose growing in an abandoned land. It was a nice rose bush full of beautifull old english type flowers. If it grew that well with absolutely no care, then it couldn't be that fussy. That is why I decided to bring a few cuttings home. Out of them all only one took roots and grew. It's planted in the garden and in about a year it is already a small bush full of beautiful fragrant roses.

É surpreendentemente resistente à falta de água (sempre achei que as roseiras necessitavam de muita rega), tendo passado todo o verão apenas com 2 regas semanais. As rosas são de tamanho médio, bastante perfumadas e. ao contrario do que eu pensava, ficam bem enquadradas por todas as outras plantas mediterranicas que crescem no jardim. Depois desta experiência fiquei tentado a experimentar outras rosas do mesmo tipo, mas essa conversa fica para outro dia.

It's really drought tolerant, and in summer it was only watered twice a week. It still managed to bloom and surprisingly enough it does look good in the garden amongst the more "mediterranean" drought tolerant plants. After such a good experience I decided to give roses another try, but I'll write about that other time.

4 comentários:

Taqui Quinta disse...

Absolutely beautiful..but in somebody else's garden... !

James disse...

I love the old roses. I have been surprised at how well they grow here, with very little disease and needing only the minimum of water. Sure, they don't flower a lot in mid summer, but they make up for it in the Autumn and Spring. But some varieties are no good, we really need the heat tolerant roses. my chickens eat the rose petals that are low enough though, that's my only problem.

gintoino disse...

Old roses are my favourite. I always thought they were to difficult to grow here but yes, they are remarkably easy and drought tolerant.

Unknown disse...

Que bom que você voltou a postar! Sempre acompanhei seu blog e hoje fiquei feliz de achar novas postagens suas.