terça-feira, 29 de abril de 2008
quarta-feira, 23 de abril de 2008
"Prision break"
Pois, finalmente aconteceu, depois de várias tentativas falhadas e multiplos planos (tenho a certeza) o Pascoal acabou por conseguir evadir-se a noite passada. Fui encontrá-lo esta manhã na horta onde como se nada fosse se deixou capturar e remeter ao cativeiro forçado. Afinal faltam só 2 semanas, depois se tudo correr bem tudo volta ao normal e volto a ter 4 gatos em liberdade.
Yeap, it finally happened ...After several frustrated attempts, and multiple plans (I'm sure of that) Pascoal finally escaped last night. I found him this morning in the vegetable garden. He was then taken under custody and he will be spending another 2 weeks inside. After that, if all goes well, I will have 4 free cats once again.
sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2008
E ainda só passou um mês.../ It´s only been a month...
This the image of a bored cat
Ninguém quer receber um gato durante umas férias de um mês, não?
Yes, it´s only been a month since he is locked inside. Only a month and we both can't stand it anymore. He can't stand being inside and can't stand having him locked inside. You see, none of my cats grew inside the house, they come in and out as they please, but they never stay locked inside for more than a night, or a day if they decide to go in when I'm leaving for work. So its understandable that Pascoal is fed up of being inside, and he constantly reminds me of it with his loud meows. So, it's also understandable , I think, that I'm fed up with having him inside...always asking to go outside (he is not meowing for food anymore). Also he was never used to use a litter box (even though we have one inside all the time) so he still thinks he needs to go to the toilet outside. This was a huge problem during the first few days when he would use the plant pots and carpets instead of the litter box (a total nightmare).
And this has to go on for another moth (the minimum period for its diet to work)....
Does anyone wishes to have a cat over for a month of holidays?
As ultimas.../ The last ones...
Vai daí resolvi matar saudades e comi uma tigela de bagos de romã ao jantar. Exteriormente os frutos parecem secos, são ainda mais dificeis de descascar (esse é o problema das romãs...para se poder comer uma tigela de bagos perde-se "uma hora" a descascar.), mas no interior continua tudo igual, vermelho, doce , sumarento.
Do you remember them? Well, I didn't. I thought I had eat or made jam (delicious jam by the way) of them all, but I found these 3 in my fridge yesterday. So I decided to have myself a bowl of bliss...er... pomegranate that is.
On the outside they were dry, with a very tough skin, making it even more difficult to peel (they hide their secrets very well, those pomegranates), but on the inside everything was as I remembered, red, sweet, juicy.
quarta-feira, 16 de abril de 2008
Más noticias / Bad news
Nos dias anteriores à desgraça vi por varias vezes um picanço barreteiro na arvore onde o ninho está, por isso esse é para já o meu principal suspeito. Resta-me esperar que os adultos façam ninho noutro sitio, mas que não abandonem o meu jardim (durante este periodo as lagartas das couves desapareceram todas)
The baby blackbirds are gone... gone...nothing but an empty nest. Yesterday, when I went down there to see how things were, that's what I found, an empty nest. The adults were still around, but not even a sign of the babies. It was as if they were never there. I really don't know what happened, but I have a suspect (and no, it's not one of my cats. The nest is built in branches that could not hold a cat's weight). The day before I've seen a Woodchat shrike in the tree where the nest was built, so, for now that is my main suspect.
I just hope the adults will built another nest, but wont leave my garden (the vegetable garden was free of caterpillars during this period)
terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008
Em flor / Garden Blogger's Bloom Day
A maioria das plantas que tenho mostrado nos outros meses ainda estão em flor, por isso optei por mostrar apenas as novidades.
Most of the plants I've shown you in previous months are still blooming, so I'm only going to show the new blooms.
Vamos começar pelas plantas envasadas. Esta é uma oxalis purpura
We'll start wit the poted plants. This is a purple oxalis
Pelargonium sp. Prefiro as variedades de flor simples, mas estes foram-me oferecidos pelo vizinho da frente. Eu lá ia dizer que não...
Pelargonium sp. I prefer the simple flowered cultivars, but these were a guiveaway from my neighbour. I couldn't say no..
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana
Diantus sp
Diantus sp
Um Alium bastante decepcionante...Qdo comprei os bolbos foi-me dito que seriam altos. Não cresceram mais do que 20cm...
A rather disappointing Allium... I was told it was a tall species, and that is why I bought it. Well...it grew 20cm tall...
Allium sp. É uma especie silvestre, cresce pelos campos aqui em volta. A flor não é bonita por aí além mas gosto deles nesta fase, além de que, estes sim, são altos!
Allium sp. A wild species, it grows around here. I like them now, just before blooming. The flower itself is not so beautiful.
Tulbaghia tuberosa
Allium schoenoprasum
Iris germanica
Esta é uma iris branca, não que diabo lhe passou pela cabeça para nascer assim, com esta risca azul!
This is a white iris (it has been all its live) I don't know why this flower has this blue stripe.
As iris azuis escuras estão quase a abrir.
The dark purple iris are almost blooming
E pronto, a minha contribuição para o GBBD deste mês já está dada. Espero que tenham gostado.
There, I hope you like my contribution to this month GBBD.
quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008
Já nasceram! / They are born!
quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008
A chuva parou.../It stoped raining...
A chuva parou por agora, por isso resolvi levá-los a passear mais uma vez. Voltámos à Fonte da Benémola, por isso o caminho já não é desconhecido. Desde que aqui estivemos a ultima vez novas plantas acordaram do repouso invernal e começaram a florir.
The rain has stoped for now, so I decided to take you for a walk. We are going back to Fonte da Benémola, so this is not unknown to you. Lots of plants have started growing again this spring and we have lots of flowers to see.
Desta vez, em vez de nos ficarmos por aqui vamos seguir caminho e subir a serra.
This time we are not staying here by the creek, we are going to go up the hill.
O caminho não é facil, muito ingreme e pedregoso, mas a vista lá de cima compensa bem o esforço.
Its not an easy trail to follow, since it is very steep and rocky, but once we get up there the scenery is well worth it.
Pelo caminho vamos encontrando pequenas maravilhas.
And as we climb we find all these beautiful plants and flowers.
Hum...queremos mesmo subir por ali?
Hum...do we really want to climb up there?
Ainda bem que o fizemos pois só assim encontramos estas flores, que ainda não tinha encontrado em nenhum outro sitio. Penso que serão Muscari, mas não tenho a certeza.
I'm glad we did, because I found these flowers I had never seen anywhere else. I think they might be some kind of Muscari.
E, logo ao lado...Lavandula viridis! Esta é uma especie autoctone de Portugal e é a unica lavanda com flores amarelas. Tenho de tentar conseguir uma para a minha colecção (infelizmente nunca a vi à venda). Vamos continuar? Ainda há muita coisa para ver.
And right next to it...Lavandula viridis! This is a favorite of mine. Its the only lavender with yellowish flowers. I want to get one for my collection, but I've never seen it for sale. Shall we continue? There is still lots of things to see.
Por hoje ficamos por aqui, para variar os cães já encontraram uma poça lamacenta para beber e eu preciso de descançar antes de fazer o caminho de volta.
I guess we will end our walk now. The dogs are tired and thirsty and I really need to rest before doing all the way back.