Esta é a época em que temos de começar a planear a horta para o Outono/Inverno. Desde o inicio do mês que comecei as sementeiras. A crescer neste momento tenho alfaces, alho francês, cebola branca, couve tronchuda, nabos, couve de Bruxelas e beterrabas.
This is the time when we need to start planning our Autumn/Winter vegetable garden. And so I am. I've started sowing 2 weeks ago and now have lots of small plants almost ready to be planted out. In the picture we can see, lettuce, beets, portuguese cabbage, brussel sprouts, turnips, leeks and onions
5 comentários:
Thanks for the reminder! It's so easy to relax into enjoying summer and forget that autumn isn't far away.
Também vou ver se começo a adiantar algumas. Nunca plantei beterraba parece-me uma boa ideia :)
Yes, it is easy to forget to plan for the future when the garden is just so laden with veggies at the moment.
I'm so impressed! I am going to start doing mine beginning of September which I think should be time enough. I have made a plan of what to grow and what is going where - I just need to get out there and start!
Autumn and winter are times for the tasks a gardener is too busy to do during the growing season.
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